Picture Thread

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The night time view is trippy. Those shiny lights remind me of Christmas.

I am making myself look *really* unintelligent now... :loco:
Originally posted by |ngenius
Is this my... er... home... er... town?

nope, my dear robot, but i wish it was so i'd be closer to you...
imagine a smiling robot and a blushing ai under a blanket made of stars... *sniff*

/me fighting a diabetic attack :rolleyes: :grin:
hehe, yup, it's an old shoe I use when I'm forced to do some home improvement (painting walls and stuff), it was the first thing I digitalized when I got my scanner, the 216k full size and quality version of the picture is available if anybody wants it in it's mailbox :lol:
Originally posted by astarte
no more than the Vintersorg forum.

I actually went there to "lurk" after you posted about it. It is pretty cool; I'll go there too... if no one objects...

I have found another place with a lot of love... :grin:

I am the leader of posting on forums of bands I have never heard of (here and possibly the Vintersorg forum)... or bands I don't like (DMB, even though I'm not sure why I bother to go there)...

There is a lot of love here... :)
Originally posted by mousewings

I am the leader of posting on forums of bands I have never heard of (here and possibly the Vintersorg forum)... or bands I don't like (DMB, even though I'm not sure why I bother to go there)...

maybe you feel like proving to yourself a lot of fans of crappy bands are really very nice ppl indeed. :D

Originally posted by rahvin

maybe you feel like proving to yourself a lot of fans of crappy bands are really very nice ppl indeed. :D


*whispers* Most the Dave Matthews Band fans are not nice . It used to be okay there, but now it is even worse (much worse) there than at the In Flames forum or the Hate pit. It is one of the worst places I have been to, but I still keep going...

A few of the people there are really cool, but the majority are... not so cool... : (
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