Picture Thread

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i just took these like 5 minutes ago, as you can see i am very tired haha




don't mind the crappy picture i took them with my web cam, and yea i don't look my age lol
I agree with Onyxdrag... haha... dont worry mags, It wouldnt be you who died.

I straighten my hair occasionally but it is to no avail. It just frizzes up in about 30 mins. Its starting to look like that Trey Asagathoth(SP) fellow's from Morbid Angel... which I can dig.
idari said:
Yes, she is, but she won't date you!
Did I (or you) just miss the point entirely or was I not referring to your sister who just got married? :err:

MorbidEnemy said:
That can easily be done. Just go out to your nearest Beauty Supply (how gay does that sound? :lol: ) and buy yourself a hair straightning iron.
Trust me buddy. It ain't that simple. :Smug:
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