Picture Thread

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here it goes.. I hate this photo.. it was taken for the univ id.. it's sooo not me.. a friend of mine said I look about 3-4 years younger.. and it was taken 3 months ago.. argh!


  • blitz-id.jpg
    6 KB · Views: 858
so as I promissed here are some images from most important Gaudi estructures!


  • batch3.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 922
well just one attach per post....so I guess I'll post one another image and in some dayz some more....


  • batll.jpg
    13.2 KB · Views: 827
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Reactions: Zarok666
ook, here's another of it's building, much more interesting when you have it infront of you instead that in one photo!


  • mila-fac.jpg
    18.5 KB · Views: 618
Phyros@ I envy you.My view from my stupid flat is block of flats and a bit of sea....how boring.especially when i see the same things for the last 18 years

Skald@ What a nice couple! your wife is a goddess! :)

TheMindzI@ I haven't seen you before...nice guitar!

FatherVic@ awesome pics.....like the houses described in fiary-tales

~Mel~(who would like to post a pic from Greece but is not at home)
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Wow Skaldy, never knew you were married, you guys look good together, gratz :D

Originally posted by atlantis
Oh yeah! She looks awesome, you're lovely together..congratulations....yes yes

Originally posted by Melancholia
What a nice couple! your wife is a goddess!

SHE IS! :)
heh, thanks folks! we are not married yet, but it's gonna happen soon, so I call her "wife". Ye all are invited to visit the wedding, btw. ;)
... about surroundings ... we live in the dark as you might have noticed :)
about sex - how can it be called regular??? :confused: ... if we need to be EXTREMELY quick sometimes in order not to be caught by her/my parents? :lol: :confused:
Skald: Congrats and best wishes for your wedding! :)

I love these picture posts... and there is no overkill of them on this board. They have them all the time at this stoner board I visit... I'm not sure why they bother to have them there, since the gorgeous guys are all on this board...
i have some backyard photos if anyone cares.




all of these pics were taken on the same day and all within approximately a 1/4 square mile radius. by the way, the dead trees look the same in the summer.
Originally posted by mousewings
Skald: Congrats and best wishes for your wedding! :)

thank you, mousewings!

btw, why don't you girls post your pictures? I'm sure guys here would like to see you all, and me too. (shhh.... don't tell my wife)
Originally posted by mousewings
I'm not sure why they bother to have them there, since the gorgeous guys are all on this board...

Eh, are we on the same board? :confused:

-Villain (who has serious trouble imagining himself as a "gorgeous guy")
we need to see your pic before granting admittance. then, if you are deemed worthy, there is a solemn ceremony where you are baptized in sackcloth and ashes.
membership is free, we don't want to add insult to injury. ;)
you're welcome to enroll.

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