Picture Thread

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oh, so it's legolas contra hornblower so far... :D



now, he doesn't resemble malaclypse, but still i felt the need to elevate the general level:



That's the 2nd crappy picture of Oldman that I've seen today. :p I mean, a picture from Bram Stoker's Dracula would be much much better for example. Well ok, he didn't look that great in the film after all. The moustache ruins it.


Well yeah, the role in Fifth Element was funny enough. I don't really like good actors doing roles like that...even if they were good in the movie. Chris Rock belongs to Fifth Element, Gary Oldman does not. Bruce Willis is somewhere in between.
Sean Connery for example hasn't done a single significant role (even if there's been some entertaining ones) that I can remember even though he's gotten tons more charisma since his early days. Not that he did significant movies then either. :p

Actually, after a few more views I thought that the other pic looked nice too. I just didn't like the wrinkles very much. Yes, I know we all have them, but I don't still have to like them.
@mal: 'twas goebbels.

i'm more of a specific lecter fan than a generic hopkins fan.

edit: and since we're on topic, i couldn't resist: this is still gary oldman, playing mason verger.


Doesn't smooth Jazz man Kenny G look like Mikael Stanne?

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