Picture Thread

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Originally posted by red_beef

Huh? Did I miss something here?:confused:
Hmm... I'll try to explain. The new fan is Candy, Thanatos's daughter. More pictures of her were posted earlier in this thread...

(my very vague and not-so-good explanation)
well as usual I come to show you what I'm eating now....yeah!!!
but specially because I walked through the lanes of the supermarket wondering on the possibilities that the universe was made of icecream with hints of mint :) and suddenly I saw IT...CRUNCH cereals...I know for some of you this is a "so what?" but I didn't know they existed so I couldn't resist.....
but well they're not really that CRUNCH_like!! but still chupi!


Oh! I forgot to say that they there was a 5min phonecard featured with Lord Of The Rings images on it....but on the Golden Graham's cereals there was a fucking CDROM about the lord of the rings!!!! I was just about to buy it only for the cdrom (and I probably will :rolleyes: ) If ten years ago someone told me that on cereal packages it would come a cdrom for free I would laugh my ass off!!!!
BTW: this is what I'm drinking to get along with the crunch stuff..
yeah you guessed right....strawberry milkshake!!!


stop posting pics of food :waah: /me is daaaaaaaamn hungry......
but it's against my principles (that sounded lame :lol: ) to eat at 2.30 AM... :waah:

we have Crunch cereals here,too *superyummy* but well without Lord of the rings presents... :( actually Crunch chocolate is very chupi as well,though i don't eat it often....

btw,i haven't eat cereals today!!!!
:confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused:
should i call the doctor? :grin:

lately eating: musli with chocolate
Originally posted by mousewings

Hmm... I'll try to explain. The new fan is Candy, Thanatos's daughter. More pictures of her were posted earlier in this thread...

Good to see you know your step daughter pretty well :grin:
I believe it is a new utility that allows answers to be quickly typed without clicking on "Post Reply" and waiting for the next screen to load. It doesn't have the smilie codes or Now Playing function and you must do quotes using hand written vB codes, but it's all good. Now I don't have to wait for the new screen to load if I just want to type something....

as I'm doing now. :)
hmmm, when i was i child there were crunch chocolate bars... i haven't seen them anymore since then, though :cry:
we don't even have crunch cereals in italy (i've never seen them at the local mall) but they look tasty and i'm getting hungry... luckily it's nearly lunch time, this prevents me from going and grabbing some junk food from the cupboard :p
@PapiVic: Your bedroom is still pink.
Your shirt is purple.
Your milk-shake is also pink.
I hate pink.
Maybe you should show us more of the face behind the food.

@food-lovers: I like all those stuff too (hey, my title is hungry! :P) but i don't eat them quite so often and i don't know what some of them taste like...

this quick thingie is very tempting for lazy asses like me :grin:
I think it's mostly on the blue-green-yellow side now :grin: :grin: :grin:

Siren (thanks, ReiToei, thanks thanks thanks :spin: )
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