Pink Floyd reunites for Live 8

Profanity said:
but music is a better activity than tv watching in ebery way.

Ae you saying the Britney Spears > Family Guy? 'Cause if you are, I'm coming over there with my army and kickin your whole family trees ass.
Breathe/Speak To Me was the best song imo.. that's the song that got me into Pink Floyd.. so hearing it played then was pretty special..i was ecstatic when the opening chord came in haha!
opeth_353 said:
Breathe/Speak To Me was the best song imo.. that's the song that got me into Pink Floyd.. so hearing it played then was pretty special..i was ecstatic when the opening chord came in haha!

There were/are much better live vids out there, full of flavorfull liquidy floydness, and with no nasty aftertaste.

Seek, and you shall find them... :zzz:
TheButcher said:
The second solo in "Comfortably Numb" almost make me cry! a truly amazing perfomance!!

David was good, but dude, what's up with that sig? Are you a sick fuckin child beater ro somethin?
TheButcher said:
The second solo in "Comfortably Numb" almost make me cry! a truly amazing perfomance!!

Same. I'm also amazed by his singing performance, especially in the chorus. These guys are legends, nothing less.
Fucking MTV and XM kept cutting away from sets, no matter who they were. I know they had a lot of acts to cover, but you air the entire The Who and Pink Floyd sets. No exceptions.
yeah we got the whole set in NZ, it was a pretty solid performance, though Dave looked like he was all surly and ready to kill....
i just watched the PF performance.

the 4 of them sounded great (instrument wise)
david's vocals sounded excellent. impressive that he still has it at his age.
roger's vocals frankly sounded like ass in 'money' but they were good in 'comfortably numb,' since they are more his range. also, the solos in CN are so f'n good.
fhare said:
Jesus Christ! "It was so nice to hear Roger's bass with the rest of them" ??? He plays freaking BASS man! I'm fairly cetain I could've walked up there and played his stuff and you wouldn't have known the difference blindfolded, rocket science it ain't. Vocally, he sounded like they hadn't fully warmed him from the casket he was sleeping in...and looked it too. Gilmour was in good form, as was the rest of the band, but Waters looked and sounded like crap.

Your an idiot. Roger has a certain way that he plays those songs than no-one else can emulate. Sure anyone could play those bass lines, he isnt exactly the best player ever, but his playing sounded much better than Tim Renwick on PULSE.
As for his voice I agree it was shakey, but he was visably nervous, by the time he got to comfotably numb is was good.
Arnold Layne said:
Your an idiot. Roger has a certain way that he plays those songs than no-one else can emulate. Sure anyone could play those bass lines, he isnt exactly the best player ever, but his playing sounded much better than Tim Renwick on PULSE.
As for his voice I agree it was shakey, but he was visably nervous, by the time he got to comfotably numb is was good.

So your defense boils down to: Look, I know he mostly sucked, but he didn't suck as bad as this other dude over here who also, by the way, sucked.

Thanks for making my point.
Making your point? No Rogers bass playing sounds good, he just nbot a techincal bass player, he has an organic sound that (although the other guy is a shitload more technical) no-one can reproduce. Roger rocks.