Pizza vs. Burgers

I choose the wrong words sometimes... It was good but nothing I lost my mind over, and definitely not something that, when presented a menu and I order a burger (which is a rare event to begin with)
Blue cheese is not the first thing that comes to mind...

(better? )
Oh Good. Because mine was so good I handed Derick a piece and Cara got a photo of his reaction. It was so tasty I was burning myself trying to eat MORE of it.
It depends on the pizza and depends on the also depends where I am.

American pizza or hamburgers? Fucking hamburgers, dude.

Italian pizza or hamburgers?'s a tie. I love hamburgers, and Italians fucking suck at cooking them.

I fucking can't stand thick crust, though. Fuck that. It's like eating a fucking loaf of bread...if you like thick crust, you're wrong and suck and you should kill yourself.

Nah, seriously...I don't like pizzas with a lot of crust because you tend to fill up on the crust and not be able to taste the pizza. I prefer Italian pizza I think, not because it's so different, but because when you eat it it doesn't feel like you're going to vomit your intestines afterwards from all the grease and bread. You can actually move around after eating pizza here.
One word: schiacciata. A pizza covered with toppings you like, then after it's cooked, you put other vegetables like fresh diced tomatoes and lettuce and ricotta cheese, throw some oil over it, then you cover it with another pizza. I usually get my pizzas with hot salame, mozzarella and prosciutto, so when you bite into the schiacciata you have the mix of those ingredients that go perfectly with the fresh veggies and oil sandwiched between the two pizzas.

You have all just been owned.