playing guitar

the face of smeg

damned fool
Oct 31, 2001
behind you...BOO
hey, howdy

i've started playing the guitar kinda recently, i'm hella sick of all the gay songs u get to play when u first start, i was wondering wot dark tranquillity songs are fairly easy to play...
i downloaded & can play the intro bit to lethe, & it sounds good, i was wondering wot other songs of thiers are, yeah, or at least any other songs that are by good bands that aren't kinda amazingly hard...i'll get to those in a couple of years :)

thanx heaps if u reply, i really appreciate it heaps, kinda learning guitar is one of my dream type things.

The guitar parts to The Wonders at your Feet is fairly simple.
you'd better get some learning/practice books or tabs first.. to learn how to use your fingers on both hands.. your pick.. etc THE RIGHT WAY.. if u start playing songs u'll end up playing wrong and that's a bad thing.. i know it's boring at first.. but believe me u won't regret it.. u can get some metal books like Heavy Metal Rhythm Guitar (2 books I think..).. they're pretty good..
yeah I did that hehe, I "played" the guitar for 3 months with my thumb wrapped around the neck (when it should usually be in the middle of the neck) and it fucked up my playing for a good 4 months when I found out how to do it right........unfortunately I still suck.....but I did learn how to play "Fear of the Dark" by Maiden of course. I was quite happy with that. I learned how to play "Under the Bridge" by Red Hot Chile Peppers as well, thats a nice lil intro there..........unfortunately, yes you guessed it, I still suck :cry:
hehe, yeah, i kinda guessed that bit about learning properly, & i'm kinda...kinda doing that at the moment, but it still is hard to do when u really wanna play other songs :) but i'll take your advice. hard not to try and get ahead of yourself. i'm sure i'll suck too for at least the rest of my life, but i dun really care.

anyway, thanx for the replies.

oh yeah, just read my first post there; when i say i downloaded i mean the tab. i own the album (of course:) ), just clarifying if ne1 cares
I played for six years....and found out that I loved my PC that much and the guitar was taking more time than I expected....
then I sold my Ibanez, my Marschall amp and my MetalZone pedal and rested in peace :)

fathervic (who still craves for playing sometimes!)
i'd also suggest u get a teacher or someone who's really good to teach u some stuff.. because i know it's really hard to do it on your own.. i was playing metallica stuff and such for about 3 years before i got a teacher.. i wasn't that bad really.. i had taken some classical guitar lessons... but i could be REALLY REALLY good within that time.. don't waste your time reading tabs.. go for it :) then u'll thank me :pP
i wish someone was there to advise me when i first started.. i was thinking about all those great guitarists that made it without a teacher.. and i thought i could do it too.. i'm a jerk :)
yeah, both my parents have played the guitar most of their lives, but they dun really play the kinda music i wanna, so they're showing me how to play the music they like...which i don't :)
i apreciate the advice.
Haven is fairly difficult at times. Things like feast of burden are no newbie material to take on, ironically the easiest dt album to play to me is the gallery, it looks like the hardest but thats just because of all the details. Projector comes close in second there are some fairly easy songs like auctioned there but the 2 different tunnings and stuff like that can be frustrating if you dont have a tab avaible
funny thing... i just wanted to start playing guitar for myself. it's frustrating if you have good melodies or whole songs in mind and simply can't tell you guitarist what to play or even bring it on paper. this is frustrating, and since i have this old worn acoustic guitar, i sat down with our guitarist and he told me some chords. but damn do i suck. my fingers are so stiff i can't even do a power chord. and i ruined my trousers with his fucking e-guitar (he has a spare where he impaled nails through the whole neck and body) :(
i better keep with my drums :)
Im playing since 1999 and i have learned the most with tabs, and songbooks, i have taken a couple of classes though, but the main advise that id gave is that, no matter how do you feel comfortable learning, just learn from everything and from everyone you can this ends up to be great cause you have a lot of influencies and that helps in the future..

id started trying to play blind guardian songs, and it take me a year but i finally made it, since there i only needed the basics of playing and a lot of enthusiasm, having that youre ready to go just dont let your guitar down for a bit, practice everyday.

The most dificult D.T. song for me to play is Shadows duet ... so if someone here haves or knows where to get a tab please let me know...
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Haven is fairly difficult at times. Things like feast of burden are no newbie material to take on, ironically the easiest dt album to play to me is the gallery, it looks like the hardest but thats just because of all the details. Projector comes close in second there are some fairly easy songs like auctioned there but the 2 different tunnings and stuff like that can be frustrating if you dont have a tab avaible

I tottally agree 100%, Projector is good album to start off with though, then the gallery.:) , The easiest song on Projecotr is UnDo Control, try and learn that,
If you want easy, play nu-metal :p

But bands like Maiden are good for getting used to the fret board and some metallica will help with speed (try master of puppets ;))
i started learning guitar via a teacher and a couple of teaching books on an acoustic, then i didnt really touch it again until i purchased an electric guitar.. and for about a year i was learning ac/dc, metallica, some megadeth and songs like everlast - what its like, to help build my accuracy with fingers. then i sorta stopped for another 18 months and only have started to pick it up again. im starting to learn iron maiden, and will venture further into megadeth.. mite think about DT too if i can find a place to purchase the proper tab..

also seems like ive been putting my thumb in the wrong place on the neck too, thanks for that advice..

some easy songs i guess is no remorse from metallica.. can be quite fun, mostly powerchords and singular notes for rythym..

i myself play mostly rythym, havent really gotten into lead, cept the solo for nothing else matters and james first solo in master of puppets..

slow but surely does get u there, and slowly ull see urself playing more difficult songs.. it can get quite fun.. but yeah.. a teacher to help u get the basics, then maybe start venturing into other songs, and play how u feel comfortable on the guitar.. copying a particular style can be pretty bad.. i used to only do downpicking, and then switched to alternative picking, can make life easier [:)]
I quit playing Guitar 4 years ago...

And now Iam on Drums been drumming for one year and holy shit is it fun!!!!!!!

lol but I started on tallica and mega death very easy chords and shit to learn also slayer for speed!!! :)

Have fun with it 1st year of guitar is ohhh soo fun!!!!

Do what you love right?? :D
hehe, i forgot i posted this, ain't been here in a while...ah well, i really love it, got smeg all spare time, but i still try. i'm still buggering around w/ an accoustic & thinking of getting an electric soon (as soon as i got 'nough money... :( ). i've played a bit on a friends one, & like it. is it better to be playing elec or accustic when starting? i dun really mind, since i'd like to be able to play both well, but u can't really do the solos that well on an accoustic.

thanx heaps for the replies.

i figure i might as well say this here, since it's prolly been said a fair bit in some thread a while back, but i'm pretty disapointed with natural born chaos (soilwork), just bought it a couple of weeks ago...nowhere near their last 3 albums, i reckon :(