Please don't let this be true

Ketshy said:
Posting a link to a thread with a link to a thread with a link to a thread with another damned link is really really annoying. But yeah, that is pretty damn shitty.

Get the FUCK over it, dude. If this shit be true, it's a sad day for all of us. if you can't handle double-or triple linking, die. The fact is, Lizard aka Richard is a better person than most of us, and this news hurts in vital ways.
lizard was one of the most respected poster on the neverboard and the RC board. He made a lot of intelligent posts and also the most interesting threads... but only people who knew him personally can describe him properly. I only knew him on UM...
Well I'm up for drinking tonight. Worst day ever, sick as hell, and now Rick is dead. I've already had a glass of mead.
AsModEe said:
lizard was one of the most respected poster on the neverboard and the RC board. He made a lot of intelligent posts and also the most interesting threads... but only people who knew him personally can describe him properly. I only knew him on UM...

yeah man.. definitely going to miss his posts
I think a LOT of us had a bad day. I've killed a bottle of mead and three hoegaardens and dont even feel the effects. I was hoping it would dull the horrors I dealt with. Tell us about YOUR day?
I'm running between two people who are very close to me and are both going trough a very serious nervous and psychical crisis. I'm trying to help both but I don't think I'm helping at neither one of them

But I think it's a little selfish and unappropriate to bitch about my stupid problems in this thread so I'm gonna stop now
Update: 750 ml of mead and 5 hoegaardens.

I see no selfishness in discussing personal issues. Its more of a degree of who is willing to lend an ear and how comfortable one is. If you feel uncomfortable, then this is ok, not everyone wants to vent on a forum. It seems lately quite a few of us are having psychological crises. It's only natural to want to help our closest friends as well. I also understand the frustration that comes with feeling you're unable to make any progress in solving their problems. I tend to deal with my issues in less than healthy ways however, as you can see by the first line. :p
Necromunchkin said:
You think to yourself, there really aren't people on the internet, of all places, who matter. You think, it's just words and empty faces. But some people are just so amazing they come across through any format, any medium. I don't want Lizard to be dead because he was such an amazing fellow. Fuck is right. I feel heartbroken.

I'm with you 100%.
I always loved talking to him in the board and outside the board... this is horrible.... I don't know what to say...
I'm just in shock.... This is so sad... I loved Rick he was such a great guy...
Fuck................................ :(
I'll miss you Liz.