Please don't let this be true

From his myspace profile:

From Rick's/Lizard's/Cody's co-worker:

Richard suffered either a stroke or an aneurysm on September 5th. His office is in the back of the building he worked in, and he laid there undiscovered for several hours. Some coworkers and I visited him on Thursday of that week, and he was on a ventilator. The family decided to take him off life support on that Friday, and he passed that evening.

I met him back in 1998 when I moved back to Columbus and took a job in Federal HR here. Richard had a devastating wit and was such an easy guy to like. When I worked in HR, I always enjoyed stopping in his cubicle and shooting the breeze about a variety of subjects: pop culture, music, comedy, radio, and politics. Our political views were polar opposites and we did have some spirited debates! He was also famous in HR for his practical jokes, and the smarmy, game show-host like voice he'd use when making PA announcements he'd in the office.
I'm still shocked, he was taken way too early and in such a devastating way. I can't imagine losing a husband, father, or son, and he was all three to people that must be going through hell right now. My thoughts are with them, he was the awesomest of the awesome.
that sucks... i know how much it sucks to go through this situation...

my father was also 48 when he passed this past February. I'm only 19, but close in age to his son. I feel for his family, and still continue to live with the tough times today. Hopefully, he lived a great life, and i'm sure he will be continued to be remembered.

RIP Lizard
Wow - I just found out about this! So sad and terrible... Liz was definitely one of the cooler people around here. I got some pm's from him in August which made me feel a lot better knowing that there are people here that actually agree with me!

My condolences to his family and real life friends.

R.I.P. Metal Brother!!! \m/ \m/