Thought you guys might be interested in this

I'm with Dee on this. Especially b/c everybody posting is maintaining respect & maturity (expressing concern is a bonus, but a lack of it wouldn't be enough reason to practice big-brother censorship, when we're talking about a band that despises the vice-grip of the church and gov't).

Everybody falls down - warriors get back up. WD is far from done. Turning the cheek is not how you support a brother.

Anyway, somebody in that thread mentioned hypoglycemia and insulin on an empty stomach. Then we have rumors of relapse. Whatever the case, I hope things are alright. Who knows - a scary experience may provide a valuable life-saving lesson... a hardcore warning to stay on track, so to speak.

Stay strong!
Lord of Metal said:
Just take a little look at how much he loves all of you:


Heh. I know that dive, er, club. ;)

There's a valid point in here about discussing things. I don't know what happened to WD, but I do know that it's not easy to do what he's trying to do. As I said on the PPUSA forum, things happen. Specualtion, as long as it's respectful, shouldn't be a mod issue.
eaeolian said:
Heh. I know that dive, er, club. ;)

There's a valid point in here about discussing things. I don't know what happened to WD, but I do know that it's not easy to do what he's trying to do. As I said on the PPUSA forum, things happen. Specualtion, as long as it's respectful, shouldn't be a mod issue.

My only problem with this whole thing is everyone seems to have overblown the whole problem. It's not oh no, Warrel had a problem I hope he is ok, most if it is Nevermore are done, they are unreliable the band is over etc. The I hope he is ok normally shows up after someone calls the person out about thier original post.

I made a rare appearance on the PPUSA board because of just that,The posts on there have been retarded. How can a band that has been on the road for a decade have one bad night and be " over "?
But then again, I have issues with that boards singular vision anyway.

But what do I know.
DreamNeonBlack said:
My only problem with this whole thing is everyone seems to have overblown the whole problem. It's not oh no, Warrel had a problem I hope he is ok, most if it is Nevermore are done, they are unreliable the band is over etc. The I hope he is ok normally shows up after someone calls the person out about thier original post.

Unsurprising. Welcome to the internet - sadly. It's silly, but it's going to happen.

DreamNeonBlack said:
I made a rare appearance on the PPUSA board because of just that,The posts on there have been retarded. How can a band that has been on the road for a decade have one bad night and be " over "?
But then again, I have issues with that boards singular vision anyway.

There are many people over there who were probably ready to chuck out their Nevermore discs when they cancelled, so they're looking for excuse to poke at a band that dissed "their" fest. The board is seriously devoted to that festival, no doubt - sometimes to it's detriment. That said, I have a lot of friends over there, as does NM, as several people from that forum bought tickets to the Jaxx show from me.
So the man was drunk, so fucking what. He will deal with his problem, NEXT.
slowdeath said:
Yeah, this situation brought me here but SFW..I was there and thought I'd comment. 2 days later I am not upset, I am more concerned. I know He's had health issues and I only hope this is an isolated incident. After the show I saw him leaning up against the wall backstage just totally out of it, all that crowd surfing I'm sure sapped his energy esp being sick/drunk whatever. I know Van and Jeff were pissed at him by their reactions onstage and am glad Colorado Springs got a kick ass show. Til the next time, when I hope they blow me away...

I'm with slowdeath...I don't post a lot here but I decided to come here because of the Kansas show. It seemed like there were two groups of people at the show: those who thought Warrel was an ass, and those who thought it was funny. I just felt sad. I knew about his situation and was bummed that things seemed to be going downhill for him.

However, I'm glad to hear he's doing alright now and hope the next time I see them they rock as much as the first time I saw them in 2003. Nevermore has recently become one of my favorite bands and I hope to see them many more times in the future.
Just got back from the show in Spokane and Nevermore was perfect. They were by far the best band there. Evergrey was good and In Flames did pretty good too, but Nevermore destroyed them hands down. Warrel sounded the best I've ever heard him too.
WillMan said:
Just got back from the show in Spokane and Nevermore was perfect. They were by far the best band there. Evergrey was good and In Flames did pretty good too, but Nevermore destroyed them hands down. Warrel sounded the best I've ever heard him too.

^ of course he did. You know why? because he's still the best metal vocalist out there :kickass:
Well, I'm glad you all in Washington got your FUCKING ASSES ROCKED OFF!!! Glad to hear Warrell is ok, but shit...I could have used a performance like that this past Monday night..
Warrel possesses such skill that new numbers are forced into existence by the sheer pwnthology of his voice.

That tops even Chuck Norris, I think.
I interviewed WD last night. Cool guy, cool interview....

I did ask about the "Kansas Incident." Yes, he was drunk. He was EXTREMELY apologetic to the fans there, and swore it would never happen again, and so forth.

Just wanted to put that out there. FWIW, I don't see why it's such a huge fucking deal. Sure, I'd have been disappointed if I was there, but these things happen in rock n roll.

They kicked ass in Spokane, and got a great response.
well none of us would be discussing this if warrel wasn't a type 2 diabetic who almost died from alcohol. "These things happen in rock n' roll"...
Glad he's ok.