fuck, this can't be real

According to da search engine, this is Liz's last post ever here:

"we have three tvs

one for my wife to watch girly movies
one for my son's video games
one for me to watch dvds with lots of explosions and bloodshed"

dorian gray said:
According to da search engine, this is Liz's last post ever here:

"we have three tvs

one for my wife to watch girly movies
one for my son's video games
one for me to watch dvds with lots of explosions and bloodshed"

oh yeah I remember that :lol:
I guess I'm usually one of those "meh, it's only online shit" type of people. I think online relationships are often tenuous, fake, or just pathetic. Hence, I'm surprised how hard this has hit me. I can't stop thinking about it. I've purposely tried to stay distanced on UM despite my being here for so many years and yet, despite my efforts... I don't know how to end this post without being so terribly emo I embarrass myself.
It was Blut und Ehre. You can look up "Ehre" and lizard and find some of his posts on it. Good stuff. :)

Lizard's sense of humor and good natured responses to any and everybody were a big part of why I've always found this forum to be so worth reading. Like many in this thread I'll miss him despite only talking to him a couple of times.
From his myspace profile:

From Rick's/Lizard's/Cody's co-worker:

Richard suffered either a stroke or an aneurysm on September 5th. His office is in the back of the building he worked in, and he laid there undiscovered for several hours. Some coworkers and I visited him on Thursday of that week, and he was on a ventilator. The family decided to take him off life support on that Friday, and he passed that evening.

I met him back in 1998 when I moved back to Columbus and took a job in Federal HR here. Richard had a devastating wit and was such an easy guy to like. When I worked in HR, I always enjoyed stopping in his cubicle and shooting the breeze about a variety of subjects: pop culture, music, comedy, radio, and politics. Our political views were polar opposites and we did have some spirited debates! He was also famous in HR for his practical jokes, and the smarmy, game show-host like voice he'd use when making PA announcements he'd in the office.