fuck, this can't be real

Dead_Lioness said:
From Rick's/Lizard's/Cody's co-worker:

Richard suffered either a stroke or an aneurysm on September 5th. His office is in the back of the building he worked in, and he laid there undiscovered for several hours.

Gah, poor guy. Obviously it came out of the blue, which must have made the shock to his family unbearable.

The family decided to take him off life support on that Friday, and he passed that evening.

That takes sincere courage. My absolute respect goes out to his family.
I haven't been here long at all, and while I really didn't know him, It's sad to think I'll never get the chance to. When you finally decide on a way to help the family, I'd like to be part of it.
R.I.P. Lizard
General Zod said:
I meant more about the manner of his passing, than the timing. Obviously I'm not a doctor, but it doesn't sound like there would have been any physical suffering involved.

he was probably in a very deep coma and that's why his family decided to "unplug" him (eh I hate saying that). No, I doubt he suffered.

edit: they say he spent several hours undiscovered... only after 4 minutes without oxygen brain cells start dying... so his brain was probably heavily damaged :(
Thanatopsis123 said:
I guess I'm usually one of those "meh, it's only online shit" type of people. I think online relationships are often tenuous, fake, or just pathetic. Hence, I'm surprised how hard this has hit me. I can't stop thinking about it. I've purposely tried to stay distanced on UM despite my being here for so many years and yet, despite my efforts... I don't know how to end this post without being so terribly emo I embarrass myself.

I'm having similar feelings, I hate discussing personal matters online, and online acquaintances come and go even in places with a real sense of community like this one, but actually learning of one dying did shock and upset me...
Lizard's death has hurt me more then any other death I have experienced in my life, though noone truely close to me has died. Lizard was great because he had an excellent sense of humour, was insightful, and was able to treat everyone nicely, no matter what age they were. The main reason I was shocked at him being 48 years old is that all people I have met that age were not kind and open -minded enough to accept newer generations and have normal conversations with them. Lizard has made me realize not to just assume things about older people, and to not be so angry and angsty, to appreciate life and what we have in it. He will always be missed and may he rest in peace:kickass:

sorry if my post is incoherent, cheesy or dumb, but I don't really know what to say here:erk: