Please rate this mix - Revalver II, PODxt, DFHS content


Jan 31, 2006
This mix actually has me excited and hopefully satisfied (probably until I listen to it again tomorrow morning). Its a brief sample remix of a song a posted last year, but the 100% Drumagog triggered sounds are really starting to bug me a lot in my mixes. I really worked hard on getting the stock kick and snare in DFHS so sit at least 50% in the mix to make it sound a little more natural.

Guitars are two tracks Revalver II and two tracks PODxt and bass is my usual Ampeg SVX and PODxt distortion setup.

The 128k mp3 conversion for soundclick is definitely not ideal, but you'll get the idea.

Thanks for any input!

Click here
Its all right here. Its the first preset under the Nikko presets but I used guitarhack's between impulse.

There's a screenshot, an audio clip of the guitars isolated, a curve EQ file and a Marquis compressor file, but this time in the song mix I used an Ibanez instead of my ESP in the sound clip and I removed the compressor completely. I did not use a tubescreamer, but I did use an ART Pro MPA tube preamp to get the clean guitars into my computer. I drove the hell out of the input until the gain sounded right. I CANNOT get this sound by reamping into Revalver after the clean guitars are recorded. I had to record the VST input channel on the fly which printed Revalver 'to tape'. This may sound confusing, but the sound difference is amazing.
Do you mean you recorded guitars wet, putting Revalver on the input channel?

(I can't listen to your clip now, but I'm sure it kicks ass as always...)
Don't notice must difference with the original guitarsound on Metis. The original mix seems to have a little bit more low end, and I prefer that. Very nice guitar sound though.

Can we expect some vocals on this one?
The original had four tracks of Revalver. This one has two tracks of Revalver and 2 tracks PODxt. They're all using the same EQ curve so it sounds almost the same. The POD tracks add a little more attack.

The low end from the original came during the mastering which I did not do on this one. The kick had too many sub-lows that most commercial albums do not seem to have so I tried to cut a lot of that out.

Mainly I'm interested on input about the authenticity of the drums tones. The programming sounds stiff of course, but if played with a TD20, I'm wondering if the drum sounds are passable.
Matt, I own the same tube pre.
These are my settings while the VU-Meter almost hits the max RED when I palm mute and hits the max when open chording.
When you say "you drive the hell out of the tube pre", are your settings similar to mine?

Sounds awesome... definitely a lot more natural. The snare could use maybe a little more squashed room mic, but the basic drum sound fits really well. Which DFHS drums are you using?
Its all right here. Its the first preset under the Nikko presets but I used guitarhack's between impulse.

There's a screenshot, an audio clip of the guitars isolated, a curve EQ file and a Marquis compressor file, but this time in the song mix I used an Ibanez instead of my ESP in the sound clip and I removed the compressor completely. I did not use a tubescreamer, but I did use an ART Pro MPA tube preamp to get the clean guitars into my computer. I drove the hell out of the input until the gain sounded right. I CANNOT get this sound by reamping into Revalver after the clean guitars are recorded. I had to record the VST input channel on the fly which printed Revalver 'to tape'. This may sound confusing, but the sound difference is amazing.

great dude!! that's way faster than recording with revalver live and postprocessing.. :headbang:
Sounds pretty natural to me. The drums are great. Maybe a little bit more volume on the kick and little bit more lower end. But as always, something for me to aspire to.
Hey Splatt,

As you know I really dig the stuff you do, and the tones you pulled out of the Line 6 stuff was nothing short of amazing. As far as this track goes, I think I preferred the original version. It seemed a little denser (maybe it was the low-end giving that illusion). This version sounds quite bass-lite and doesn't have the weight behind it. Guitar tones are cool for sure... I think they'd get a bit more power behind them with some extra bass guitar low-end. As it is they're cut up to sit in the midrange nicely, but nothing is filling what's below.
Matt, I own the same tube pre.
These are my settings while the VU-Meter almost hits the max RED when I palm mute and hits the max when open chording.
When you say "you drive the hell out of the tube pre", are your settings similar to mine?


I drive the input of the preamp hard and then adjust the output for taste for how much gain I want.
Sounds awesome... definitely a lot more natural. The snare could use maybe a little more squashed room mic, but the basic drum sound fits really well. Which DFHS drums are you using?

The Sonor kick and the Sonor 1 snare

Release the damn album sometime already! :kickass:

At the rate we're going, it will be at least a year! Responsibilities......sigh.:erk:

Very nice guitar sound!
Thanks dude!

Sounds pretty natural to me. The drums are great. Maybe a little bit more volume on the kick and little bit more lower end. But as always, something for me to aspire to.
Noted. Will definitely try to correct that on the final version.

Hey Splatt,

As you know I really dig the stuff you do, and the tones you pulled out of the Line 6 stuff was nothing short of amazing. As far as this track goes, I think I preferred the original version. It seemed a little denser (maybe it was the low-end giving that illusion). This version sounds quite bass-lite and doesn't have the weight behind it. Guitar tones are cool for sure... I think they'd get a bit more power behind them with some extra bass guitar low-end. As it is they're cut up to sit in the midrange nicely, but nothing is filling what's below.

The original does have a large low end shelf on the master. The bass guitar sounds great but I hate how lumbering it makes the damn kick drum. I've got to go back and redo the bass so it as more body. Thanks for the comments!