pod farm sounds way better imho.
i don't get why so many people are bitching about pod farm. i think it's really damn good, and slays 95% of the free amp sims out there. the only thing it's lacking is a decent emulation of suitable mic positions.
for most guitar cabs, you can choose between the sm57 off or on axis, as well as the 421 and a royer iirc. now, the on axis 57 sure sounds like DEAD ON the dust cap, fizz city. 421 sounds quite phasey and hollow, as if quite far off axis or even at an angle. cool thing is that with the dual tone feature you can "sort of" mimic a dual mic setup, tone 1 being the fizzy 57 on axis, tone 2 either the 421 or the 57 off axis. beefs things up quite nicely.
anyways, to me that's the weakest part of the whole pod thing. in all other aspects, the only thing that comes close is onquel's engl sim....i used to love 8505, but now it only gets used for scratch tracks if even that. lextac can be cool on some lead parts, but nothing i'd base a full song's rythm section on.
bottom line is, until someone releases a QUALITY version of a dual/triple rectifier, i'll stick with pod farm.
granted, i haven't tried any other *commercial* software like revalver (yet). but the freebies don't really compare imho.
btw, i'm not trying to talk shit about the freebies - they're of exceptional quality, and kudos to their developers. it's just nothing i'd want to end up with on a final product....(same thing goes for pod farm lol. except for bass, loving it on bass)