Political discussions and other rants about useless things like culture

See, I think feta is foul, and I don't even want to know the myriad of ways that Greeks eat it. It's great on a salad, but you need a sour dressing to go with it. The sourness of Greek dressing (which is what we call it in America; there are probably a zillion unique dressing in Greek, along with ones borrowed from other cultures) overlaps with the sour/bitter flavor of the cheese, making nice things happen.

It's like bleu cheese. I could never eat that crap until I tried it with walnuts. It's hard to describe what happens, but they share some flavor characteristics that make a nice pairing and make it not only edible, but quite good. Throw that in a fruit salad with pears, it's truly wonderful.
Dressings? What's that? The only things we normally put in our salads (besides vegetables, obviously) are olive oil, lemon and vinegar, in combinations of no more than one or two at a time.
Also, we don't borrow from other cultures. We make other cultures.

And no, this thread is not getting derailed, if there's oil in it it's political.
Merkel is neither bad nor good, I think. She is not going to change much here.
I am more worried about some of the ministers since Merkel is not one who talks much into the different ministers' work. Our Minister of the Interior (it is probably going to be the same one again) is an ass who likes to raise panic of terrorism although there has never been a terrorist attack from the outside in Germany and tries to slowly give more and more rights regarding surveillance to the police and the intelligence service which is still weaker than in many other western countries, but we Germans are sensitive to that due to our history.
Also I don't like the other party that is going to govern us much (FDP) which would like to bring our liberalize our economic system, lower taxes and lower welfare and I cannot imagine their leader as our foreign minister (the leader of the second governing party is usually vice-chancellor and forein minister). I don't mind that he is a homosexual, but he does not seem to be a good diplomat.
I can see why Italians hate Berlusconi, what a giant asshat.
I guess this "law" being overturned is nothing but good news to that country?


As for what Stizzlemanizzle posted, I could go on about media control on and on,
but I have long since decided that it's better not to think about those things or
my blood pressure will go thru the roof. I just watch The Daily Show and laugh
at the moronic rightwingers.

Honestly I can't understand how people can be lead on by someone like Glenn
Beck and if he can fool them I don't think there is any hope for them as humans
and they deserve "death clocks".

BTW, did you know that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990?
I don't usually bother following US internal politics, but it was quite refreshing to find a sane person (and a self-admitted "church-going Christian") comment on the religious madness that's threatening not only the US, but the whole world:

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I can see why Italians hate Berlusconi, what a giant asshat.
I guess this "law" being overturned is nothing but good news to that country?


Yeah, I guess it's good. It'd be good to see the opinion of the Italians around here because if I'm not wrong, I remember rahvin's long talk on how Berlusconi was a corrupt bastard :p .

I don't usually bother following US internal politics, but it was quite refreshing to find a sane person (and a self-admitted "church-going Christian") comment on the religious madness that's threatening not only the US, but the whole world:



Great video, thanks! Too bad not many people will see it I guess :rolleyes: .
the religious madness that's threatening not only the US, but the whole world
So how exactly is the religious madness threatening the world? Should i start stocking up on tuna cans or do you think a tin-hat is enough?
So how exactly is the religious madness threatening the world? Should i start stocking up on tuna cans or do you think a tin-hat is enough?
Well he's right..It is affecting the whole world, not only the US. US has the most retarded people though (no offence)
@krofius: I'm sorry, but that does not answer my question. Stupidity has always been a part of human life, and one that breeds with higher rates than cleverness to boot with. Should we go on and get rid of all stupid people, or close them in camps and educate them till they agree with us? Let me think who that reminds me of...

Also "affecting" does not equal "threatens". Cheese -i'm sure- affects the whole world everywhere (and not only the US). But i'm not yet convinced that it poses such a threat. Of course if we're talking about casu marzu, things are different. But i wouldn't go as far as to want all cheese to die because some people are stupid enough to eat maggots.
I think that focusing on religion guarantees that we will never actually address the issue. Religion is like (modern) conservatism: not bad in itself, but has a strong correlation with very bad things.

Religion can be a beautiful and wonderful thing. It is important for people to believe in something, and to have some kind of moral philosophy. Religion can also be comforting when everything else in your life is going to shit. It is important, however, that people balance religion with the rest of their lives. In America, this often means realizing that your citizenship in a diverse nation is more important than extreme beliefs that you may hold (i.e. gay marriage - it doesn't hurt anyone, so why is it illegal, other than that you don't like it?).

Here is the problem: ignorant people. I say ignorant, and not stupid, because you need to know that these are not bad people. They are not evil, so there's no need to call names. They are just tiny little people with tiny little bits of information, fed to them by big people.

Take health care in America: people seem to think that health care systems in the rest of the world suck. They think that Canadians regularly come to America because of waiting lists. They actually swallowed the heaping load of bullshit that was the "death panel." They don't know any better, and some big changes are about to happen to their country. They are rightfully wary of the future. And on that ignorance and fear, the American health insurance industry starts a campaign to manipulate them into buying incredible and false "facts."

Look at the New American Racism: I don't know anyone from the Middle East. I don't know their culture or their food firsthand. I am ignorant. Enter the Bush Administration: they wear funny hats; they torture their women; they're all religious fanatics that want to kill you and your family. No one bothers to point out that most foreigners in America, regardless of origin, have a strange, unnatural love for this country. These people left their homes to be strangers in a strange land because there was something wonderful for them here. The more foreign you make their religions and their cultures, the more they become The Great Other. Now, we must hate and fear them.

Religion is the grand answer to all un-answerables. It was designed that way. Belief must be flexible, such that it can gradually give way to fact as people and cultures grow. But ignorance is a powerful tool, and along with emotions and culture, can be used as powerful weapons by big people.

So no, religion is not the problem. It is, rather, ignorance. Deep-seated beliefs can protect ignorance, but it is that ignorance you must address. Attacking religion only makes you the Other. If you want to change peoples minds, educate the ignorant. Share your facts peacefully, and counter the lies of the big self-interested parties. But don't attack their faith; it is often all that they have.
I tried to keep away from this topic, but to answer the question, here's the final scene from Bill Maher's brilliant "Religulous" that sums up my main concern pretty well (see the whole movie for better understanding of the reasoning).

Hasn't it always been that way, you may ask - why would religion be any more a threat today than it was before? Simply put, the amount of religious nutjobs all around the world has rapidly increased in the past years. Since mankind developed the capability to destroy itself has there never been so many people wanting the apocalypse to happen as there is today - and their numbers are growing every day.

If the current trend continues and unless there is a radical change in how we tolerate religious extremism, it will only be a matter of time before too many of them gain too much power for the rest of us to matter any more.

So no, religion is not the problem. It is, rather, ignorance. Deep-seated beliefs can protect ignorance, but it is that ignorance you must address. Attacking religion only makes you the Other. If you want to change peoples minds, educate the ignorant. Share your facts peacefully, and counter the lies of the big self-interested parties. But don't attack their faith; it is often all that they have.

Yes, on the grand scale the "War Against Religion" must be fought just like you describe: by educating people peacefully. However, against the extremist elements different methods must be used, simply because their ignorance is too fortified against attacks of education (as the previous video I linked so aptly described).

While faith can be a wholly personal matter, religion always includes control of people by other people, and it can be used for a vast variety of purposes. Religion is nothing but a tool that manipulates people to do what a religious leader wants them to do - even if (and especially when) they would otherwise find doing so ethically wrong. This is why most modern dictatorships have been built like religions (abundant use of symbolism, intentional mystification of the leaders, etc).

I can respect many kinds of faiths, even some of those that I found utterly ridiculous. My own position as an atheist humanist can perhaps be seen as a position of faith as well.

However, I can never respect anyone's religion.

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As always, i agree with stizzles on this.

@Villain: I've watched that video before, and every time i can't help but think that Bill Maher is a big arrogant idiot who thinks that he holds the truth. Sure, i can gather a few mass destruction videos, quote some allegoric texts and find some extremists who will say ridiculous stuff, and make a point against anything too. If he were to be objective and analyze the issue thoroughly from all sides, present some sane people's opinions from all sides and then make his point, i would be more willing to watch his whole movie. As far as i'm concerned, he's just another fanatic who can't look past his ironic nose.

One more point i'd like to make (which obviously didn't pass through my cheese parabole -i guess atheists and paraboles are like water and oil, they just don't mix), is that i didn't see in that whole video (i haven't watched the movie, so i don't know about it), and i have never heard in any discussion with an atheist, anything about buddhism, taoism and all the other less known religions. They always make their examples from christianity, islam and judaism. Last time i checked buddhism was still a religion, wasn't it? Since i'm not too familiar with it, would you please explain to me why it's an evil religion and what threat it poses to the world, like Bill Maher so aptly did about christianity and islam?
When you say "religion must die" i take it that you mean all known religions, so you must be in the position to prove your point by explaining why each religion separately must die, otherwise you're an ignorant generalising fool who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Oh, and i almost forgot:
unless there is a radical change in how we tolerate religious extremism
against the extremist elements different methods must be used
religion always includes control of people by other people
My own position as an atheist humanist
Is humanism selective?
Are you even sure you're not a religious extremist yourself?
Just some food for thought.
I'm with her.

I am not that much into discussions of religion so I will leave only small comments.
I think that Villain is not being disagreeable, but maybe his point could be more clear. I think he risks losing his reasonable position by only mentioning in passing that he has respect for "faith." Here, we get a little bit semantic, but distinctions are important.

Religion, in Villains terms, is a mix of fanaticism and politics. In Siren's language, it is more about personal faith and community (I am reading into her words, but these are the upsides of religion, which I assume she would agree with).

Theologies which reject knowledge (as in the above video about kooky Christians) are absolutely harmful. However, some religions, such as Orthodox Judaism, actually celebrate the pursuit of religious knowledge through discussion and debate. Many of the other minor religions fall into this category, and maintain that paradigm (in part because they are small, more in a minute). In practice, all religions provide a moral guidepost and continued instruction about how to apply lessons of faith to the challenges of life. There is nothing bad about that. However, this paradigm is manipulable, and this is where we enter the world of Villain's religions.

If people, being tiny and scared like they often are, seek guidance, they open themselves to the wisdom of others. If a person is in a position to dole out a tremendous amount of wisdom, he becomes powerful because he comes to control the reality of those who look to him for guidance. Now, a priest who should have been a kind teacher is tempted by power. Sure enough, this leads to the massive amounts of hatred and violence that stem from religion. It has less to do with pure religion (detailed in the above paragraph), and more to do with power (politics).

Note that almost all religious violence stems from Christianity and Islam. Most other religious groups are too small or too geographically divided to form much of a political group. There are a lot of Christians in America, and a lot of Muslims in other nations. This religious identity overlaps with national and ethnic identities, and we form into sides against each other. Your religious terrorists are fanatical pawns of men who are not themselves fanatics; they are level-headed, self-interested manipulators. The evil of Villain's religions is not in faith, it is a by-product of herd behavior, guided by very greedy men.

Of course, religion plays a role. If people practice their religion responsibly, and do not allow it to blind them to fact and reason, or let it interfere in diverse relationships with others of different beliefs, then it can be a wonderful thing. Many people are not so conscious, and so religion often ends up being a blinder for truth, and then you have the inextricable mental mess that Villain referenced above. People ingrain and idea, and convince themselves that any attempt at changing that idea is, itself, evil and must be rejected.

This was my original point, here and above: religion is evil, neutral, or good, but always very powerful. People must be guided towards responsible faith, but that is no reason to tear their faith away. Fanaticism is the name of the threat; religion is far too nebulous a word to attack head on.
and i have never heard in any discussion with an atheist, anything about buddhism, taoism and all the other less known religions. They always make their examples from christianity, islam and judaism. Last time i checked buddhism was still a religion, wasn't it?

Buddhism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy.
Besides when have you heard of a buddhist suicide bomber or of a buddhist
killing someone cos they have the wrong religion? Or any of the other stupid
things the 3 major religions get up to?

Buddishm is a path to SELF-enlightenment and thus doesn't get involved in
how you go about it. Sure they have their ethics of course, but it's kinda
hard to corrupt an ethic that says don't cause violence to sentient beings.

I have to agree with Villains (as I have many times before) religions are the
main reason this world is shit. And yes, currently that only includes the 3
major ones cos the others are either non-intrusive or not proven to be a
major threat. If they start doing suicide bombings and other stupid shit in
the name of their god, then add them to the list and good riddance.
A good post, stizzleomnibus. We disagree on a couple of points, but you presented our overall positions very well. I now see how my choice of terminology has blurred the discussion a bit - I'll get more to the issue below.

@Villain: I've watched that video before, and every time i can't help but think that Bill Maher is a big arrogant idiot who thinks that he holds the truth. Sure, i can gather a few mass destruction videos, quote some allegoric texts and find some extremists who will say ridiculous stuff, and make a point against anything too. If he were to be objective and analyze the issue thoroughly from all sides, present some sane people's opinions from all sides and then make his point, i would be more willing to watch his whole movie. As far as i'm concerned, he's just another fanatic who can't look past his ironic nose.

Please show me a single video of extremist atheists causing destruction on the scale Maher shows. If you fail to do so, you apparently can't "make a point against anything", now can you.

One more point i'd like to make (which obviously didn't pass through my cheese parabole -i guess atheists and paraboles are like water and oil, they just don't mix), is that i didn't see in that whole video (i haven't watched the movie, so i don't know about it), and i have never heard in any discussion with an atheist, anything about buddhism, taoism and all the other less known religions. They always make their examples from christianity, islam and judaism.

There are two obvious reasons for this:

1) Just like you said, they're less known to us Westerners. When discussing global politics, you don't expect us to make our examples based on some tribal rules of some obscure island nation, do you?

2) Eastern religions are so different to us that comparing them to Christianity, Islam or Judaism is always difficult. First of all, they are often atheist or agnostic by nature, but an "atheist religion" sounds like an oxymoron to many of us. Instead of calling them religions, more than a few people today consider them nontheist philosophical systems, not that different from, say, Confucianism or even Platonism.

This is why tackling Eastern religions in this topic is pretty pointless. However, as you asked, and as a Buddhist (irreligious) friend of mine has recently taught me lots about modern Buddhism, I'm going to educate you a bit.

Last time i checked buddhism was still a religion, wasn't it? Since i'm not too familiar with it, would you please explain to me why it's an evil religion and what threat it poses to the world, like Bill Maher so aptly did about christianity and islam?

Apparently you didn't check too deep, otherwise you'd found out that the vast majority of modern Buddhists are actually irreligious or nontheist. As such, they pose no more threat to the world than, say, dandyists, or any other people with silly philosophies. Modern Buddhism is just as far removed from Western religiousness as European atheism is. Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith" and one of the most vocal critics of all religions, practices Buddhist spiritualism - calling him religious would be stupid.

However, forms of extreme religious Buddhism (or rather smaller religious groups calling themselves Buddhists) still exist and their practitioners have caused great harm to many innocent people (especially in Sri Lanka). Some quickly searched links about religious Buddhist terrorism and violence:




This extremist religious Buddhism should be treated just like any other religious extreme: it must not be tolerated. If this religious Buddhism was spreading as aggressively as, say, Islam, it would certainly threaten the world. Luckily, there's no such trend in sight; quite the contrary, modern Buddhism is spreading and traditional Buddhism is becoming less and less religious.

Modern Buddhism is a great example of the difference between faith and religion: you can fully believe and have faith in the Buddhist teachings, yet remain completely irreligious (meaning here, free from control of religious dogma and leaders). In the past I've used the terms of "organized religion" and "personal religion" to denote the difference, but a kind person pointed out to me that the former term is redundant as social organization is always part of a religion, while the latter term can be reduced to just "faith" for the sake of simplicity. Thus, when stizzleomnibus condemns the dark side of organized religion and promotes personal religion, I'm actually in agreement with him - we just use different terminology (and our scales of darkness are presumably slightly different).

The moment Christianity, Islam and Judaism (and the rest of their kind) become irreligious like modern Buddhism, religion is truly dead and mankind has been saved. That's the goal I'm aiming at.

When you say "religion must die" i take it that you mean all known religions, so you must be in the position to prove your point by explaining why each religion separately must die, otherwise you're an ignorant generalising fool who doesn't know what he's talking about.

And if I said "tyranny must die", you'd require me to explain separately why each and every tyrant and dictatorship on earth is evil, would you? And if a single dictatorship happened to be quite jolly, calling for the general death of tyranny would be wrong in your opinion?

Is humanism selective?

No. This has very little to do with the topic. Am I intolerant if I don't tolerate intolerance? Am I a fascist if I demand that racist leaders are put to prison? Our society functions on the basis that threatening people and factions are isolated from the rest of the society.

Are you even sure you're not a religious extremist yourself?

Yes, I am 100% sure I'm not. For one, I'm absolutely not religious. And even at my most extreme, I'm far from the extremism we're discussing here (I'm not killing people, you know).

Just some food for thought.

Your dish is like feta - tastes bad and offers no nourishment (see, I can do it too). :p

But really, you demand objective analysis, yet offer no analysis or even a position of your own. You speak about generalising, then make extremely generalising statements about atheists (I'm far from a typical atheist, you know, my atheism lies more on an anti-religious and social than philosophical foundation). It really appears the only one who doesn't know what she's talking about here is you (which you already admitted in the case of Buddhism).

You may disagree with my choice of preferred action that should be taken to stop the spread of religious extremism, but to ignore that threat altogether is, indeed, ignorance, and nothing else.


EDIT: Salmis posted while I was typing, but he really summed the Buddhism part up well.