While I agree things were handled VERY poorly with the Palestinians in 1948 when Israel was 'given' to the Jews officially, let us not forget that the same way those Palestenians were there
at first, also there were jews there as well. That little territory has always been occupied with Jewish people and Muslims and later on; Christians. Sp to say that 'land' was taken away from
Palestinians alone - is pure ignorance.
Jews believe 'god' promised them that land as written in the Old Testament, Muslims believe they have right to be there; why can't they live together?
Good fucking questions.
Both sides of this argument are pure dumb in my opinion. The settlers in Israel that occupied Palestinian territories ON PURPOSE can go fuck themselves,
and at the same time, those ignorant religious extreme muslims who send their 17 years old kid to be a suicide bomber can also go fuck themselves.
The thing is; Israel has grew tremendously and is now one of the most successful countries in the Middle east/ Mediterranean area while Palestine is still stuck in the dark ages.
so I can see how it irks them suicidal dumb fucks and how the masses are being controlled and brain washed.
Oh hi, my name is Ahmed and I'm 15 living in Gaza my options in life are:
a) live on $1 a day
b) become a suicide bomber
That is fucking sad