
On 31 January 1970, Russell issued a statement which condemned Israeli aggression in the Middle East and called for Israeli withdrawal from territory occupied in 1967. The statement said that:

The tragedy of the people of Palestine is that their country was "given" by a foreign power to another people for the creation of a new state. The result was that many hundreds of thousands of innocent people were made permanently homeless. With every new conflict their numbers increased. How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty? It is abundantly clear that the refugees have every right to the homeland from which they were driven, and the denial of this right is at the heart of the continuing conflict. No people anywhere in the world would accept being expelled en masse from their own country; how can anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment which nobody else would tolerate? A permanent just settlement of the refugees in their homeland is an essential ingredient of any genuine settlement in the Middle East. We are frequently told that we must sympathise with Israel because of the suffering of the Jews in Europe at the hands of the Nazis. [...] What Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy.
—Bertrand Russell, 31 January 1970

You wouldn't happened to be biased, either, right? Being from Egypt, you must be an atheist.
While I agree things were handled VERY poorly with the Palestinians in 1948 when Israel was 'given' to the Jews officially, let us not forget that the same way those Palestenians were there
at first, also there were jews there as well. That little territory has always been occupied with Jewish people and Muslims and later on; Christians. Sp to say that 'land' was taken away from
Palestinians alone - is pure ignorance.
Jews believe 'god' promised them that land as written in the Old Testament, Muslims believe they have right to be there; why can't they live together?
Good fucking questions.
Both sides of this argument are pure dumb in my opinion. The settlers in Israel that occupied Palestinian territories ON PURPOSE can go fuck themselves,
and at the same time, those ignorant religious extreme muslims who send their 17 years old kid to be a suicide bomber can also go fuck themselves.

The thing is; Israel has grew tremendously and is now one of the most successful countries in the Middle east/ Mediterranean area while Palestine is still stuck in the dark ages.
so I can see how it irks them suicidal dumb fucks and how the masses are being controlled and brain washed.

Oh hi, my name is Ahmed and I'm 15 living in Gaza my options in life are:
a) live on $1 a day
b) become a suicide bomber

That is fucking sad :(
You know, The United States and it's Allies have a war going on too. Excuse us for not giving a crap. But what the fuck dude, the news is constantly running the fighting and devastation that's been going on for 60 long years because journalists aren't aloud in Iraq, who the fucks wants to get be-headed? So we have to put up with Palestine's crying because they aren't getting the aid that Israel is getting.
War... the problem with war these days is you can't go in and get the job done properly without the limp wristed faggot liberal media and NATO sniveling. So we get half assed wars, bomb them a little bit.. have some skirmishes fall back and three/five/ten years down the road it's the same problem again.

I say go Israel, like a stampede of whiskey drunk lumberjacks through the last whorehouse on the face of the earth.
War... the problem with war these days is you can't go in and get the job done properly without the limp wristed faggot liberal media and NATO sniveling. So we get half assed wars, bomb them a little bit.. have some skirmishes fall back and three/five/ten years down the road it's the same problem again.

I say go Israel, like a stampede of whiskey drunk lumberjacks through the last whorehouse on the face of the earth.

Then move on to Tehran.
nope i hate them honestly, dont think they're doing anything useful and they're certainly not helping anyone.
i'm just sorry for the people that are dying, unneccessary murder of innocents is always wrong.
You know, Egypt is pretty damn close to Gaza, I'm sure this Saboona is very involved in those conflicts (Politically speaking) and seeks nothing more than consolation.

Saboona, I'm not sure you picked the right forum for it but nevertheless, take it from me that there is alot of sympathy generated in our culture by mass murder in general. If you feel infuriated, then don't feel alone in that at least. In fact, perhaps you should convince your leaders to do something about it. Your country borders Gaza, does it not? Heck, why can't your country rally enough money to just BUY Gaza instead of doing nothing? Would attacking Egypt present much more of a problem for Israeli's considering the majority demographic in general?

I'm not 100% on what exactly is going on there, but if it's an issue with Israel not being afraid of Hamas then would that not give them a reason to shit themselves, unlikely an event as it is?
nope i hate them honestly, dont think they're doing anything useful and they're certainly not helping anyone.
i'm just sorry for the people that are dying, unneccessary murder of innocents is always wrong.

Who's 'them'?
and yes I do agree with you. Innocent people are dying and it sucks :/
I wish this stupid conflict will end already.
And like I said: Peace begins between people; not governments...

[KOTNO]Narrot;7933970 said:
rofl @ how uptight people get on this topic

You know, if you live around or with a certain situation all your life
you'll end up being uptight about it, much like some Germans are about the holocaust. :Smug:

Saboona, why can't your country rally enough money to just BUY Gaza instead of doing nothing?

"BUY" Gaza! oh man.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A society unwilling to co-inhabit a piece of land with another country and responds by suicide bombers is probably not for sale, amirite?

Their idealisms are for sale to anyone. It depends if giving their territory for liberation's sake is a worthwhile business deal, I suppose.