
Makes sense to me.

No, it really doesn't. I kinda spoke too soon, perhaps, because what I said is really no worse than "Oh, well you're just saying that because he's around!" or "You're just jealous!". While it may have seemed like something else, and it may still be in retrospect, it was spoken because I felt outnumbered and I just didn't like it.

Of course, that being said, perhaps another clue awaits the puzzle.

Resonator, you're on another plane of existence

Perhaps it would be rude of me to say you should wait to come here, but you may find yourself needing this answer in your future. Maybe even because I've said it just now.
Your conversations are completely cyclic. You have absolutely no point to them; there is no beginning and there is no end. You are like a black hole conversationalist.
You are like a black hole conversationalist.

I'm actually talking to someone named "Blackhole" and we are having a cyclical conversation. And I'm not even kidding.

Or just a retard...

It doesn't exactly take much to understand...But perhaps you are indeed like me, then.
No, it really doesn't.
So now you're claiming that you can read my mind? Because that's what I get out of this. Although I guess I shouldn't really expect you to be willing to understand why that is. You're just gonna drivel off more nonsense that you think makes you look like some sort of super genius.

I bet you're fucking fat.
With man titties.

So now you're claiming that you can read my mind? Because that's what I get out of this. Although I guess I shouldn't really expect you to be willing to understand why that is. You're just gonna drivel off more nonsense that you think makes you look like some sort of super genius.

I bet you're fucking fat.


I deny you threefold, Shpongled. And I know that just fed into what you said but it seriously is the first thing that came to mind.

Me 2
Me 3

That second one is rather old, but then again all of them are since I started growing my hair out...Welcome to the teenage me :P