
Holy fuckin' balls, I found Waldo!


Or Ed Grimly...


Seriously, all in good fun Res.
War... the problem with war these days is you can't go in and get the job done properly without the limp wristed faggot liberal media and NATO sniveling. So we get half assed wars, bomb them a little bit.. have some skirmishes fall back and three/five/ten years down the road it's the same problem again.

I say go Israel, like a stampede of whiskey drunk lumberjacks through the last whorehouse on the face of the earth.
I deny you threefold, Shpongled. And I know that just fed into what you said but it seriously is the first thing that came to mind.

Me 2
Me 3

That second one is rather old, but then again all of them are since I started growing my hair out...Welcome to the teenage me :p

You look like Gob from Fallout 3.
So like... some friend bought it for me for Xmas thinking I'd like it... (I hate Adam Sandlar I dont know what was she thinking... )
and so I watched it last night.. It was meh at best with really dumb humor, but the best part about it
was seeing Tel Aviv's beach at the beginning <3
Also, the ending was cheesy of course, but I have to say- I wish things would be as easy in real life as they were
in that stupid cheesy movie.

Palestinians <3 Israelis

Gah..... attempting to watch all this on any american media news broadcast is painfull. It is no wonder the rest of the world thinks we are idiots.
Today I end my support of Israel

In relation to you, saboona, perhaps you should not adopt this position entirely yet. Perhaps with the new "No Bullshit" move I just saw them trying to pull on CNN, luring out Hamas into urban conflict, they should be reminded what exactly they value. If Gaza became sort of like what South Ossetia is to Georgia in regards to Egypt rather than Israel, things might be a little different. Maybe I've got the facts wrong, but I was under the impression that the end result of this is that they are trying to remove the border to Gaza when they don't have to at all if the border belongs to Egypt.

So, because of previous trends of comprehension:

1) Gaza becomes a part of Egypt.
2) Egypt simultaneously declares Gaza as it's own "breakaway province" having it's own government (Not Hamas, unless they stop firing rockets into Israel).
3) Israel hopefully sees the light and stops their bullshit campaign (Based on greed for something they can do without).

Kinda the same old shit re-hashed, but thinking about it in my own uninformed view made me think of that particular possibility.