
Both sides of this 'dispute' are murderers... Let's agree on that first and foremost.
It is the biggest hypocrisy in my opinion, to blame Israel alone on these actions and come here and show some blog of some Chilean Jew (there are Jews in Chile??!) that sits 8000 miles away
and fucking blogs about it like some kind of hisp-pussy jerk.

Both sides are WRONG. Not only one side. Both sides have killed unnecessary civilians and both sides are acting petty and ridiculous which leads to more
killing and more blood is being spilled. It is only when people will understand both sides are wrong, then there can be seas fire.

so Saboona: gtfo will ya.
you crack me up with your posts.
you got allot of rage in you
but it's alright i'll let you have the final word on that hypocrite
In relation to you, saboona, perhaps you should not adopt this position entirely yet. Perhaps with the new "No Bullshit" move I just saw them trying to pull on CNN, luring out Hamas into urban conflict, they should be reminded what exactly they value. If Gaza became sort of like what South Ossetia is to Georgia in regards to Egypt rather than Israel, things might be a little different. Maybe I've got the facts wrong, but I was under the impression that the end result of this is that they are trying to remove the border to Gaza when they don't have to at all if the border belongs to Egypt.

So, because of previous trends of comprehension:

1) Gaza becomes a part of Egypt.
2) Egypt simultaneously declares Gaza as it's own "breakaway province" having it's own government (Not Hamas, unless they stop firing rockets into Israel).
3) Israel hopefully sees the light and stops their bullshit campaign (Based on greed for something they can do without).

Kinda the same old shit re-hashed, but thinking about it in my own uninformed view made me think of that particular possibility.

Egypt wants nothing to do with Gaza, they made that clear when they turned it down in the Israeli goodwill return of Sinai. Israel wanted to give them Gaza along with Sinai, Egypt did a double take and essentially said "Fuck no, we don't want that Palestinian filled shit hole!" They've kept it pretty clear too with the way they have been handling refugees over the years. They would rather not have another 2 million Palestinians asking for a sand-out.
Egypt wants nothing to do with Gaza, they made that clear when they turned it down in the Israeli goodwill return of Sinai. Israel wanted to give them Gaza along with Sinai, Egypt did a double take and essentially said "Fuck no, we don't want that Palestinian filled shit hole!" They've kept it pretty clear too with the way they have been handling refugees over the years. They would rather not have another 2 million Palestinians asking for a sand-out.

Interesting...So, they try to give them Gaza, get denied, and then occupy it? Or was this post-occupation?
Interesting...So, they try to give them Gaza, get denied, and then occupy it? Or was this post-occupation?

During their occupation. As a sort of goodwill peace treaty in 80 (I think) Isreal handed the Sinai desert back, and wanted to give back Gaza Strip back, however the Gaza Strip was essentially forgotten by the end of it since Egypt wanted absolutely nothing to do with anything that side of the Sinai desert. Part of the agreement was that the borders be harshly followed, however we all know how well that works when militants get a hold of explosives... :lol: Humanitarianism was really an act of "holy shit, million palestinians running across our border at the same fucking time... might as well just let them in and later on we'll figure out how to get them the fuck out".