

They seem like reasonable people.

I would not only burn flags if some countries would commit a genocide on my neighbours and my family, destroy everything that is good in my country and still expect to be celebrated as righteous. If I had believed that it would have stopped the "war" in Iraq, I would be a Taliban now, although I don't give a fuck about religion...
If I had believed that it would have stopped the "war" in Iraq, I would be a Taliban now, although I don't give a fuck about religion...

It wouldn't have made a difference because Religion is the only thing keeping it alive.
I would not only burn flags if some countries would commit a genocide on my neighbours and my family, destroy everything that is good in my country and still expect to be celebrated as righteous. If I had believed that it would have stopped the "war" in Iraq, I would be a Taliban now, although I don't give a fuck about religion...

Yes, because mindless killing in response to war is such an honorable position, and clearly distinguishes the difference between you and them. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't stay too attached if I were you, Dead Winter...There IS such a thing as having a standpoint and then understanding and accepting another standpoint. If I value death more than life (Not because of comparison or contrast but just because) then to stop me from reaching death as opposed to simply finding over time is a form of discrimination. If he feels fighting is worthwhile, why can he not fight?
Well the law discriminates against those kinds of people too, so I don't think that one person's opinion here is really going to make a difference.

Maybe not to the law, but to the individual just accepting the standpoint is good enough. If times call for it, that standpoint can change at any time, anywhere. It's not a universal thing is what I'm getting at.
I wouldn't stay too attached if I were you, Dead Winter...There IS such a thing as having a standpoint and then understanding and accepting another standpoint. If I value death more than life (Not because of comparison or contrast but just because) then to stop me from reaching death as opposed to simply finding over time is a form of discrimination. If he feels fighting is worthwhile, why can he not fight?

Maybe not to the law, but to the individual just accepting the standpoint is good enough. If times call for it, that standpoint can change at any time, anywhere. It's not a universal thing is what I'm getting at.

You say there is such a thing as having a standpoint then understanding and accepting another. (ummm ok...and?)

"If i value death more then life" just because? (ok).

so because someone, wants to be something and people don't accept that, they are discriminated. of course if that person feels it's worth it then why not? (OK?)

my question is....

You say there is such a thing as having a standpoint then understanding and accepting another. (ummm ok...and?)

"If i value death more then life" just because? (ok).

so because someone, wants to be something and people don't accept that, they are discriminated. of course if that person feels it's worth it then why not? (OK?)

my question is....


You really like it when I pick and dissect this shit, eh? Perhaps I should have said that I am "Pro-accepting peoples opinions" first...

Should I really go there?
You really like it when I pick and dissect this shit, eh? Perhaps I should have said that I am "Pro-accepting peoples opinions" first...

Should I really go there?

Your not dissecting anything man. your stating the obvious, then making it seem like you have a abnormal knowledge gland with your "holier than thou" attitude like you are the fucking prophecy. Just stop because you are just making yourself look like an idiot.

Just shut the up fuck
what I wanted to point out was that it is totally reasonable to become a terrorist if things like that happen to you. it is probably the thing to do in such a situation, if it's the only alternative to "hold still and starve". and what I said about becoming a taliban (I still don't think it was SO hard to understand, but nevermind): if you see the misery, and you believe that violence like random suicide bombings could be a way out of it..of course you do it. since I am still among the mortals, one could guess that it's because I decided against becoming a terrorist ;) because I don't think that's the way. but if I'd think that it was the way out, I would certainly tolerate killing other people to stop the destruction of my environment. that's natural.

and it's not about accepting other peoples opinions, it's about getting the point or not.
what I wanted to point out was that it is totally reasonable to become a terrorist if things like that happen to you. it is probably the thing to do in such a situation, if it's the only alternative to "hold still and starve". and what I said about becoming a taliban (I still don't think it was SO hard to understand, but nevermind): if you see the misery, and you believe that violence like random suicide bombings could be a way out of it..of course you do it. since I am still among the mortals, one could guess that it's because I decided against becoming a terrorist ;) because I don't think that's the way. but if I'd think that it was the way out, I would certainly tolerate killing other people to stop the destruction of my environment. that's natural.

and it's not about accepting other peoples opinions, it's about getting the point or not.

at least you go into depth to prove your point.

and Nocturna89, it was some dude. So.....watcha doin' later?
Does Resonator type just see his own fingers move? Because I can't really think of any other reason for his posts. It's not like he makes even the tiniest bit of sense to anybody but himself. I can't even tell if he's being a jerk anymore or not, that's how discombobulated (whoa, awesome huge word!) his posts have become.