
I think it shouldn't matter. Just because you may not share the ideal, doesn't mean they wouldn't. I'm willing to bet that they do.
Oh shit son! This could turn epic.... Dead Winter vs. Resonator!

Honestly, I wouldn't be sad if both tore each other to shit... Anyone who's basis for blowing the shit out of each other is a couple of books is better off dead.
I'm not a politician, I don't know why they would or wouldn't do this, but regardless of their own personal agenda's, this is possible if they actually just said "Hey, yes, let's scare Israel out of Gaza! Let us mate in grand spectacle as Zion is forced into retreat!".

And I'm not fighting in this thread, but I'll contend the points I make.
I'm not fighting either, just intrigued. You realize you come off a little bit like Bush and Cheney, right? Give 'em money and they'll just hand over a piece of land to you they've been fighting over for eons in the name of an invisible guy in the sky.
But isn't it funny how that guy in the sky can literally stop a war in it's tracks? I don't know how you really see him (Forget the bible, for once) but since we've been over this bridge already I'll stop it there and simply say Good Luck to the homeless in Gaza.
What? I'm confused. I've never seen hostilities just all of a sudden END all at once, at least not in my lifetime and at least not in my experience.

Humans create war and only they have the power to end it. Call me kooky, call me wacky, but I've never seen the human race stop fighting due to some epiphany.
What? I'm confused. I've never seen hostilities just all of a sudden END all at once, at least not in my lifetime and at least not in my experience.

Humans create war and only they have the power to end it. Call me kooky, call me wacky, but I've never seen the human race stop fighting due to some epiphany.


"Wait, they're all dead?"


"Time to stop killing indians then!"

Indian Massacres FTW!
And I'm not fighting in this thread, but I'll contend the points I make.
And Resonator comes to the center of the ring with fist extended in a show of good sportsmanship.

I'm not fighting either, just intrigued. You realize you come off a little bit like Bush and Cheney, right? Give 'em money and they'll just hand over a piece of land to you they've been fighting over for eons in the name of an invisible guy in the sky.
DW returns the glove touch and throws a quick jab, just out of reach that doesn't land.

But isn't it funny how that guy in the sky can literally stop a war in it's tracks? I don't know how you really see him (Forget the bible, for once) but since we've been over this bridge already I'll stop it there and simply say Good Luck to the homeless in Gaza.
And Resonator retaliates with a huge awkward spinning back fist that comes nowhere even near landing! This move is rarely attempted by even the most intelligent fighters due to it's extremely low success ratio.

What? I'm confused. I've never seen hostilities just all of a sudden END all at once, at least not in my lifetime and at least not in my experience.

Humans create war and only they have the power to end it. Call me kooky, call me wacky, but I've never seen the human race stop fighting due to some epiphany.
And DW uses Resonator's momentum against him and responds with a HUGE takedown!

DW is now in superior position to mount and offensive threat and potentially finish this fight before it even got started! How will Resonator respond? He needs to defend himself and move into a better position, because he's in trouble now!

What will happen next?!
Humans create war and only they have the power to end it. Call me kooky, call me wacky, but I've never seen the human race stop fighting due to some epiphany.

I'm gonna throw this out there (A shot in the dark, if you will), but you don't know how hard Israel would get fucked in the ass if they attacked a mostly Muslim country. It's good for Muslims, it's good for Israel, it's good for everyone. Plus, the belief in god (Another shot in the dark) is something I'm not sure you're familiar with, and how stressful it can be when the faith needs some backup.
I'm gonna throw this out there (A shot in the dark, if you will), but you don't know how hard Israel would get fucked in the ass if they attacked a mostly Muslim country. It's good for Muslims, it's good for Israel, it's good for everyone. Plus, the belief in god (Another shot in the dark) is something I'm not sure you're familiar with, and how stressful it can be when the faith needs some backup.

If your faith needs backup, obviously you don't have that much of it. That's what 'faith' is...belief in something of which you have no physical evidence.

Your entire first sentence is extremely puzzling and makes me wonder if you have been in a coma for fifty years. Ever heard of the SIX DAY WAR?

Come back to us, Resonator. You're going out too far and might not be able to swim back.
I'm gonna throw this out there (A shot in the dark, if you will), but you don't know how hard Israel would get fucked in the ass if they attacked a mostly Muslim country. It's good for Muslims, it's good for Israel, it's good for everyone. Plus, the belief in god (Another shot in the dark) is something I'm not sure you're familiar with, and how stressful it can be when the faith needs some backup.
Resonator somehow manages to get back to his feet, but he took a beating on the ground and he's dazed. OH! He tries one last desperate flying knee, another low percentage strike and he misses!

If your faith needs backup, obviously you don't have that much of it. That's what 'faith' is...belief in something of which you have no physical evidence.

Your entire first sentence is extremely puzzling and makes me wonder if you have been in a coma for fifty years. Ever heard of the SIX DAY WAR?

Come back to us, Resonator. You're going out too far and might not be able to swim back.
DW takes full advantage and lands an unppercut while Resonator is off balance. This rocks Resonator and puts him to sleep before he even hits the ground! It's all over! DW by KO!


Congrats DW! What's next for you?
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I lol'd because of all the points in this thread with the one based on faith leading to KO.