Poll #1290234 - Anathema vs. My Dying Bride

Choose here:

  • Anathema

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • My Dying Bride

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
In the grand tradition of previous useless "vs." polls, I bring you:

ANATHEMA vs. (their contemporaries) MY DYING BRIDE.

DISCUSS :Spam: :Spam: :Spam:

Anathema are better. I like everything Anathema did up to & including Judgement, while My Dying Bride pretty much lost me after Turn Loose the Swans. Their best stuff was around "Symphonaire..."
I only said I liked Anathema up to "Judgement." I hate AFDTE. You may now proceed to whine about how "Judgement" sucks and how "Alternative 4" is Radiohead worship, blah blah, blah. Meanwhile, I have to ask how a band that has been doing the same fucking thing since 34.788% -- and it isn't exactly a NEW thing they're doing either -- can be called LEADERS?
omg judgment sucks etc bla bla
your wish about whining is a reality
now about
Meanwhile, I have to ask how a band that has been doing the same fucking thing since 34.788% -- and it isn't exactly a NEW thing they're doing either -- can be called LEADERS?
First of all "doing the same fucking thing" isnt how you judge if a band LEADS or not. Motorhead were doing the same thing forever and they are still leaders. Others bands are like this too.
Then MDB is probably the first death/doom band and the BEST in this genre even NOW (Mourning Beloveth are usurpers to the throne). And of course they are NOT "doing the same fucking thing" because "The Light At The End Of The World" is everything but "the same fucking thing" with "The Dreadfull Hours" . The new album is different too. Its death/doom yes, but different. Oh and when MDB tried to be different (34.788% complete) they did not copy other bands and they didnt try to make more commercial music so that their wish about mtv would become a reality.
They didn't, I'll give them that, but I'm a bit skeptical about how they relented back to their old style when 34 wasn't very... commonly appreciated. My Dying Bride never tried to be more commercial? Oh shit guess I'll just have to forget this "Like Gods of the Sun" album ever existed then. Too bad you probably need a singer who can sing to enter the mainstream eh?

And I'm sorry, but My Dying Bride does not lead anything anymore in my eyes. They might have way back when but they are now more or less rehashing what they accomplished in the early nineties. Comparing the quality of early lyrics and music to the new stuff I at least feel that they don't try as hard anymore, and it shows. They still release quality albums, I don't particularly dislike any My Dying Bride (except most of the parts where Aaron tries clean singing... shudder) but the new stuff is just not essential. Not that Anathema's new stuff is. I don't give a flying fuck about if they clone Radiohead because I don't even listen to that Anathema period, it sucks.

I even like My Dying Bride, I'm just being a fucking nitpicker about this because you are. I only happen to like Anathema more. kthxbuy
I'll vote Anathema - but I'm not including their most recent one, "A Natural Disaster". Still, for me, a band can lose its way and the legacy doesn't become tarnished.

Erik said:
"Alternative 4" is Radiohead worship, blah blah, blah.
Hmm. You know, "Alternative 4" doesn't really sound like Radiohead. The new one does, and I'm not exactly sure about "Fine Day to Exit" but I hear from others that there is some cloning going on, but "Alternative 4" is pretty different. In fact, if anything, "Alternative 4" *at times* reminds me of The Cult - certainly "Fragile Dreams" has a similar song structure to something Ian Astbury & co. would have written (perhaps "Firewoman").

Oh, someone I know who worships MDB actually thinks their latest one is their best album yet. I think it's pretty good, but I don't own the entire MDB catalog to draw a fair comparison.
Someone I know who worships Iron Maiden thinks "Dance of Death" is their best album yet. It's called fanboyism. :p

"Alternative 4" probably doesn't sound like Radiohead no, but you never know what lengths IOTS will go to in order to bash Anathema, he he.
Yeah, listen to "Fragile Dreams" again. Same pedal points, same momentum build up. Same technique used on "Evil that Men Do" in fact. Pretty straight forward songwriting principles, which I guess Radiohead can't be accused of using.