Poll:Have you tried drugs?

have u ?

  • yeps

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • hell no!

    Votes: 30 54.5%

  • Total voters
Crusader said:
Addicted to drugs isn't fun, addicted to metal is fun! :headbang:

Well obviously Id never wanna be addicted...:-/

People forget how bad alcohol and cigarettes are,they kill more people than any other drug.I hate the way so many people have a go at you for taking stuff,theyre like 'you dont need to do that to have a good time (which is true)', but the same people are getting pissed all weekend.weed is nowhere near as addictive as tobacco (cos it is possible to get addicted to weed believe it or not) but it is still quite harmful to you...it burns hotter and you hold it in for longer so if you smoke a whole joint to yoursely its like smoking 2 cigarettes..but its ok cos joints are for sharing!!
i'm a healthy pirate, i didn't, don't and never will do drugs... arrr!

though i overcompensate with drinking :p

where the fuck is my np field >:-( and get rid of these awful colours already!

np: Running Wild - Beggar's Night
"no dude smoking a joint is like the equivalent of many cigarettes"

in terms of tar, yes. But marijuana Vs tobacco, marijuana is the more "healthier" alternative. It's just that tobacco is so socially acceptable these days and is manage by fat cats with billion dollar pay checks that people find out otherwise. Same with the booze...but i'm sure you guys don't want to hear my rants...

Do you realise how much crap is in manufactured cigarettes?

There are alternate ways of ingesting marijuana, eating, vaporising etc etc which pose little to no health risks at all, in terms of lungs etc.

When people talk about holding their marijuana hits longer, i am positive, that if they are taking quality material, there is no need to hold hits. Dodgy quality is caused by black market trade, "create X amount for X amount of dollars" dealers don't care about the quality, all they care about is money...sad but true

Mental problems are a different story, but there is alot of propaganda out there don't forget.
use not abuse
Never done any drugs (excluding alcohol, which I don't drink very often), and I can't see myself taking any in the future, I got no time for them, I'm to obsessed with listening to my music, playing computer games, playing football (the REAL game of football, known as soccer to those of you who are American ;) )... Actually come to think of it, I'm quite obsessed with Tea, which is a kinda drug if you wanna get picky, lol..... YES PLEASE PLENTY OF TEA :)
no mag is correct,

and it's been said that it contains 4 x the amount of tar, not 7

I'd be interested to see where you are getting your facts from

you need to get your facts straight,
it is the entire product in question....marijuana is pure marijuana, cigarettes ARE NOT just tobacco.
whatsinaname said:
no mag is correct,

and it's been said that it contains 4 x the amount of tar, not 7

I'd be interested to see where you are getting your facts from

you need to get your facts straight, and this is not a matter of just the smoke, it is the entire product....marijuana is pure marijuana, cigarettes ARE NOT just tobacco.

True. Not all weed is just pure Marijuana. And of course, cigarettes are not just pure tobacco. I got my facts from a couple resources, although it's been years. I did a report on tobacco and marijuana back in live, 7th grade (around 8 years ago).

NP: Dream Theater - Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper
not all marijuana is pure marijuana...well yeah i suppose so, but people who lace or sell this material are utter arseholes.
Quite a strong argument for letting people grow personal stash isn't it? or at least regulate it via coffee shops?

same goes for tobacco though, home grown would be free of alot more harmful chemicals.

The facts i suppose depend of the resource, Majority of US studies are so full of propaganda it's not funny...the governments will try anything to brainwash people, and facts are known by very few.

Are there any people here from the US who have seen anti drug commercials? marijuana ones i mean. From what i've heard they are utter bullshit...like the gun one and the kids smoking.

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