Popularity of the Forum

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I mostly stick to the non-Opeth Music forum because I rarely see threads on this side that interest me. Every now and then there's something, but it's rare occasion.

That being said, I was just thinking the other day that I'm glad that a lot of the (imo) annoying posters are no longer here (by choice or otherwise), and that I actually like a lot of the folks who post here now. But none of us seem to have much to say at this point. I can live with that. I'm in my 30's, and I don't find the stuff on erksylvania funny. I'm glad those guys have a place to go to do that, but I seriously have way better things to do with my time.

So, I hope that the cool folks here stick around till the DVD and new disc come out, when, as has been stated, we'll have a whole lot more to talk about.

Actually, I can foresee an interesting thread or two arising Sunday or Monday after the show in Finland. The first appearance of Fredrik with the gang....
I mostly stick to the non-Opeth Music forum because I rarely see threads on this side that interest me. Every now and then there's something, but it's rare occasion.

That being said, I was just thinking the other day that I'm glad that a lot of the (imo) annoying posters are no longer here (by choice or otherwise), and that I actually like a lot of the folks who post here now. But none of us seem to have much to say at this point. I can live with that. I'm in my 30's, and I don't find the stuff on erksylvania funny. I'm glad those guys have a place to go to do that, but I seriously have way better things to do with my time.

there are a few people older than 30 at erksylvania fyi. also, spending time on this forum isn't a "better" way to spend time than on another.
What people seem to forget is that at erksylvania underneith the childish humor there are people that are knowlegable about progressive rock, metal and music in general. More so then just about any message board iv viseted. So when the time comes, we drop the penis jokes and we are fruitful with our interest in music.

Its obvious this forum is not that great. Hell Mikael doesnt even post here very much anymore. I remember one of his last posts was "more progressive rock talk guys!" and wheres the once amazing progressive rock thread? its buried underneith retarded posts about dark tranqulity, and swallow the sun.
^ Pretty much, there's not really much to discuss right now. It's not like there's news every day about the band.

Although Im sort of glad off-topic stuff isn't allowed, the board would turn into a mess of retarded posts and threads where it's considered taboo to discuss the actual band, sort of like the Nevermore board.

:lol: @ the Nevermore board, perfect example. Idg why :erk:sylvania has come into this discussion, people can be regulars there and here too, like me and a few others. It's a great place to go for a laugh and meet new people.
What is really annoying is people complaining about the forum in every fucking post, this forum is ok, nothing to bitch about... maybe too many metalheads and an obvious lack of sense of humor, but apart from that i still think it is a decent board. If you are disappointed by this place just go to the Children of Bodom forum and i promise that you will love this place again.
What is really annoying is people complaining about the forum in every fucking post, this forum is ok, nothing to bitch about... maybe too many metalheads and an obvious lack of sense of humor, but apart from that i still think it is a decent board. If you are disappointed by this place just go to the Children of Bodom forum and i promise that you will love this place again.

And here we have a complaint about people complaining.

And this post is a complaint about a complaint about people complaining. :cry:
Shit, the answer is pretty obvious to me - opeth got more popular, and like any other band drawing in a larger fanbase, a bunch of idiots got involved. Seriously, the whole "erk" group is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen - poorly done photoshops with "lolz" written all over it just is not funny. Throw in an elitist attitude, some ironic internet slang, and bam, you got yourself a bona-fide group of assholes.

Everyone else has already made the point that there's not anything to talk about, but that doesn't mean the board should become a haven for 14-year-olds that think "running with the cool guys on the Opeth forum" is THE BEST shit around. Thankfully, it's not as bad as it used to be, but I can definitely see why Mike maybe doesn't like some of the stuff he sees on here - 'cause it's fucking stupid.
there are a few people older than 30 at erksylvania fyi. also, spending time on this forum isn't a "better" way to spend time than on another.

Sure it is, if I enjoy it better here. Just like watching movies you like is a better way of spending time than watching those you don't like so much. I'm not passing judgment on the erk folks (and every now and then, those guys do make me laugh, tbh... but not enough to wade through the rest of it). I don't spend a whole lot of time on forums since I just don't have a lo of time: I'm busy raising my two little girls, among other things. I check here to see if there's any news/rumors about Opeth, and then I check out the Non-Opeth music board to see what's going on. Then, on with my day, you know? And lately, there's so little going on here, it's a pretty quick stop.
Shit, the answer is pretty obvious to me - opeth got more popular, and like any other band drawing in a larger fanbase, a bunch of idiots got involved. Seriously, the whole "erk" group is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen - poorly done photoshops with "lolz" written all over it just is not funny. Throw in an elitist attitude, some ironic internet slang, and bam, you got yourself a bona-fide group of assholes.

Yeah, but at least that NFU faggot and Illidurit or whatever are gone. That eliminates over half of the mischief.

Some of the old good ppl still like Opeth but went off to Royal Carnage or somewhere non-faggotty.
Seriously, the whole "erk" group is some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen - poorly done photoshops with "lolz" written all over it just is not funny. Throw in an elitist attitude, some ironic internet slang, and bam, you got yourself a bona-fide group of assholes.

There's no need to knock a forum that you know next to nothing about

I just signed up here about a week ago, maybe I scared everyone away :D

:lol: yeah, that's it :p
soundave, checked out your tunes and liking it. keep it up dude.

Thanks, Kenneth! :) Exactly what I mean by having "better" things to do, btw. One of those things is music.

This is pretty OT, but...

I have one song I need to edit into 2 parts to get it on soundclick (it's too long), and it's shamelessly Opeth-inspired.... :loco: I just have to find time to edit it. There are parts of it I hate now, but I spent so much time on it, I'm just gonna let it go.

Then I have a bunch of stuff I need to record. I got a whole new recording setup and I really haven't been able to use it, as I've been busy with my 2.5 year-old and my 3 month-old girls. When my wife starts back with her evening Master's Program classes, I think I can get going again.

I'm finding myself struggling with lyrics... one song is coming to me in fits and starts, and I like where it's going. But I have 4 others that are in desperate need of lyrics. Is there a community online for music collaboration that anyone knows of?
There's no need to knock a forum that you know next to nothing about

um...when everyone IN that forum comes over here and spews bullshit everywhere....yes, there is.

Like I said though dude, it's gotten a lot better. Last year that erk bullshit was real bad, but yeah I'm sure you guys are a happy productive forum now.
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