Quality of the forum improved?

yeah the forum was definitely trolling during the release of watershed. IMO the forum has improved greatly since then. when i check this forum almost daily i can see which members are here to stay and not just linger around during a release and move onto to some new band.
I felt the urge to make a thread like this, after I read again this thread from the last year.
I really do think the quality of this forum has improved since, and I really don't know why. Maybe it's beacuse I started hanging more at the Non-Opeth board than here, though I still read and post quite frequently.

I miss some of the old users, even the more "trollish" ones, which I believe have quite calmed down since last year; some of the "good ones" started posting less and less (in_absentia, soundave, lothlorien...). Well, where I'm trying to go is that this forum feels to me now more like a community mostly free of hate.

I believe this improvement has been also from some of the "new" posters (not really new, since where around before but back then didn't contribute as much: I'm talking about in_my_time_of_disease, illidan, bluesky, those guys).

Lol, I was thinking that the old thread I linked was complaining about the forum shittiness BEFORE it actually reached it's zenith, which I think was with the advent of cerberus_III and his company. I really felt like stopping posting then, luckily I went on, this forum is much better now.

Guess this is quite an useless thread, but hey, I wanted to close this Forum-Popularity saga.

Since I'm here, I may ask a question to those of you who have been longer than others: is it always like this? I mean, we reach the top of the turd's pile just before an album is released, then discuss it for a while, release the tension, and the forum actually gets better? I've only been lurking here since 2006 and as my profile says I registered in may 2007, when this "shit forum" was raging like wildfire. I wonder if in a couple of years, before the release of the next album, we will be flaming like there's no tomorrow and whining about the forum. Yeah, life is a circle, I guess this forum is too.

To anyone who's read this relieving post through, well, thank you too, but, if you've been around since 2007 or around there, how do you feel this forum has changed over an year's span?

Last but not least: thanks, Mr Sam, your work has been going unnoticed for quite a while, so I guess you're doing a great job if nobody's complaining (too much) lol.
EDIT: this is not asskissing lol.


What ever happened to NFU?

What the fuck is NFU? :goggly:

^His last post was in that topic I linked. He got tired to be blamed for the shittiness of the forum, and simply vanished.

Fourth page, last post.


While I agree with the fact that the quality of the forum has improved, I do wonder if the fun factor on this forum has improved the last couple of months..

IMO, no.. More serious discussion, a good and a bad thing..
So let me tell you something..

Send in the trolls! :erk:

I suggest reading Vaushke's post if you want some good laughs. Lol the shit they/we throw at him is unbelievable.


I don't think you need to troll to make a fine humorous thread :Saint:


No NFU = Shittier Forum

Seen lots of posters come & go the 4 years I've been on here.
Whatever happened to the fat guitarist from Maine ??
or the crazy dude from Montreal...was it Blarney ??


^ It's still quite shitty, not many interesting discussions going on, but I think it's still is a huge leap forward from one year ago.


I know Im still a noob here but things have changed alot since Ive been here. I remember when the shit threads were coming out like Elton John and since Mr. S laid down the law it all stopped. Anyway I love this place and hope it stays the way it is. And by the way Carta's, thanks for starting a thread like this.


The forums have turned into pussville if you ask me.

I mean honestly... how the fuck do you need over 9,000 polls to determine a favorite Opeth song?
Yeah, I agree Carta's, although I haven't really thought about it. I've also spent less time on the main forum and more on the Non-Opeth board. I remember being totally fed up with shit posts/threads the period surrounding the Watershed release. I also remember something similar happening with Ghost Reveries but I can't really recall it anymore. There's only so much to say about Opeth when they're not releasing cd's etc., so the regs move to the Non-Opeth board I guess.

The 'atmosphere' on the Non-Opeth board is quite good I think, except some mud throwing now and then (and the Vuashke shit right now, haha). I don't post that much but I surely enjoy reading the topics over there and getting to know new great music as always.
Good post Carta's, and thanks for the shout out. I'm definitely not new - I posted a ton before you were as active, and then stopped altogether because I couldn't stand the "turd pile" after Watershed came out. When I checked in a month later, BEHOLD, things were back to normal. So that's why I maybe look a bit newer now, or maybe it's the use of the same avatar for a long period of time (usually people remember a user better that way).

The thing that makes any forum good is a sense of camaraderie between the members, even if they don't know each other IRL. It's impossible to compile a list but I can definitely thank Necropeth, Carta's, even Lucifuge who I had a bitchfight with early in his posting career for making this feel like a real forum and not a... shitstain guestbook.
Things don't have to be sugar coated but people don't have to be rude for the sake of it, either. This forum has never been one of my favorites, but it does have its "ups". Unfortunately, even at the best of times the "downs" seem to equal the "ups". I am glad, though, that the second post in every thread isn't "shit thread" or something similar.
The forums have turned into pussville if you ask me.

I mean honestly... how the fuck do you need over 9,000 polls to determine a favorite Opeth song?

OMG Lucifuge, you're the only one that still cares about the fucking polls. IT'S ALMOST OVER. :u-huh:
This forum will always go up and down, it's somewhere in the middle atm. Non>>>opeth forum. There is WAY more people who have stepped out of the MTEULL box and the average IQ level is leaps and bounds ahead. But yeah don't you all go reading this and try step out, just read the non, dl the music we are listening to, expand musical knowledge/english skills, then don't embarrass yourself. Then agree with the majority of posts till you build enough post points so you become TROO and can have an opinion. Yes this the way it has gone and will always go. Most of us have all gone through this stage, and wtf is with all the nfu mention. Christ people worship that user. And yes I'm drunk ;).
This forum will always go up and down, it's somewhere in the middle atm. Non>>>opeth forum. There is WAY more people who have stepped out of the MTEULL box and the average IQ level is leaps and bounds ahead. But yeah don't you all go reading this and try step out, just read the non, dl the music we are listening to, expand musical knowledge/english skills, then don't embarrass yourself. Then agree with the majority of posts till you build enough post points so you become TROO and can have an opinion. Yes this the way it has gone and will always go. Most of us have all gone through this stage, and wtf is with all the nfu mention. Christ people worship that user. And yes I'm drunk ;).

lol, u may be drunk but i agree with what ur saying. the non opeth forum has supplied me with enough bands to discover and listen to for a long time.

and yes, wtf is with all the nfu comments? IMO nfu was a smart guy but was also a prick.
I don't think the forums improved - I mean, how much talk of Deathspell Omega can one forum have?????

.... seriously, this forum has been doing better lately, but that's expected. I think the reason that it was so shitty a few months (a year?) ago was because of the release of Watershed, which for some unknown reason, somehow beckoned the shitty posters to this board. But that was expected - which is why I actually thought that "the powers that be" should close the forum for a little while, like when GR was released.
But it seems like we've crossed that hump, and things are looking up. And at the risk of sounding new-age-y and hippie, let's try to keep this positivity going for a while and things may even GET BETTER!!
The forums have turned into pussville if you ask me.

I mean honestly... how the fuck do you need over 9,000 polls to determine a favorite Opeth song?


I used to post here quite often. There used to be things to post, in topics worth posting in, with the chance of having a wothwhile post in response. That don't happen too often anymore though, aye Clyde.
Just read through the "popularity of the forum" thread again. I remember reading it and not wanting to post in it but it has some pretty funny posts, especially on page 2, like this one by i aint play this...
NFU is a fucktard of the worst kind. Extremely controversial for the sake of being controversial, he just tried too hard at basically everything. All of his posts were full of ''loltaste'', ''Kate Bush is awesome because Gilmour called her to his record label'', ''you are gagging on Mike's cock, you like the Scorpions because Mike likes them'', ''i don't make personal insults, but you look gay'', ''in one album, Enslaved progressed ten years more than Opeth, and i don't even like Enslaved anymore'' and other similar exaggerated bullshit. lol what a tool.