Post a picture of your pets!

That's a natural trait of the breed, you dumb fuck. I am getting her groomed this week so I'll take care of it. It's been bugging me for a minute but she can see quite alright
So I'm a dumb fuck for pointing something out that has been bugging you and you're going to get sorted as soon as you can get off your fat lazy ass? Ok.
No shit it's a natural trait of the breed. I've owned heaps of dogs that needed the hair around their eyes trimmed.
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Says the meltdown alcoholic who sits in an office all day doing nothing.

You still get black out drunk though. That's also a sign of alcoholism ;-)

I did get assigned to a big project finally so now I have more work than I can handle hahahaha

It's actually really easy to cut the hair around the eyes yourself.

She needs more than just that though

Here's a pic of one of my "ferocious fighting dogs" with her one and only litter of puppies she had back in 2008 ...

...i love this dog more than i love most of my family members.

My boy ...

Meeting my old dog(who died from cancer :() for the first time...

These are all old pics, they're both 12-13 year now.
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