Post a picture of your pets!

My friend is a vet tech and she posted kittens on her Facebook a while back that were dropped off at their office along with the mom. I wasn’t really keen on getting another cat but my wife begged and pleaded until I finally caved in. Funny thing is, she seemingly has taken to me and doesn’t really like my wife. Hopefully the cuteness in the second picture is enough to offset the sleepy faced goblin in the background.


I don’t have any pictures of my doggos on this phone. I should get on that when I get home tonight.
I got my doggo groomed a few weeks ago. Not sure if she had ever been groomed before I got her but she looks like a puppy now. I miss her rough look but her hair will grow back. You can tell her coat is smoother.15528336789305226202782257231445.jpg
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I rehomed my rabbit a few days ago. Feelsbadman. Should have done more research and given it more thought when I took her in a few years ago, she was an absolute menace though. Looks cuddly but isn't, lives in a cage but needs 5+ hours of time outside it daily, then spends that entire time chewing up my shit. She went to a rabbit rescue where there's a few folks with fixed males looking for fixed female companions (bunnies do best in pairs) and most of their surrenders people didn't bother spaying. So she'll be a hot commodity and get a G rated boyfriend.

If you're ever considering an indoor bunny, don't. She was adorable and so interesting and charming when she'd bounce gleefully around the hallway with a paper towel in her mouth, but way more work than a cat or dog.
I rehomed my rabbit a few days ago. Feelsbadman. Should have done more research and given it more thought when I took her in a few years ago, she was an absolute menace though. Looks cuddly but isn't, lives in a cage but needs 5+ hours of time outside it daily, then spends that entire time chewing up my shit. She went to a rabbit rescue where there's a few folks with fixed males looking for fixed female companions (bunnies do best in pairs) and most of their surrenders people didn't bother spaying. So she'll be a hot commodity and get a G rated boyfriend.

If you're ever considering an indoor bunny, don't. She was adorable and so interesting and charming when she'd bounce gleefully around the hallway with a paper towel in her mouth, but way more work than a cat or dog.
i had two bunnies when i was a kid. My first one was cool as fuck, we would open his cage and he would hang out in my front yard until sundown. We used to kind of corner him into getting back in his cage at nights but eventually he would just go hop in right before sundown. We would even take him to parks and he would never leave our site. He was so fucking smart. The other bunny i had(which was my original bunnies "grandson"!) eventually turned into a fucking menace, he got huge as fuck and started terrorizing everyone in the neighborhood. Bit a few people and even chased off a few cats lol. He would make these weird growling noises at everyone.
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Lol they are super smart and cool, but for a completely indoor animal I don't think an ideal pet. Do you remember what breeds you had? Was the big one a Flemish giant? Bovinicus is a mini Rex.
Lol they are super smart and cool, but for a completely indoor animal I don't think an ideal pet. Do you remember what breeds you had? Was the big one a Flemish giant? Bovinicus is a mini Rex.
no i dont but he looked like one of these guys ...



he definitely wasnt a giant. I'd say a normal sized rabbit. The bunnies from his litter(i fucked up in the earlier post, they were actually his offspring) were much bigger. And the weird thing was that the momma bunny wasnt that big either.
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The other bunny i had(which was my original bunnies "grandson"!) eventually turned into a fucking menace, he got huge as fuck and started terrorizing everyone in the neighborhood. Bit a few people and even chased off a few cats lol. He would make these weird growling noises at everyone.

Your whole street every time you let him out of his cage.
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My other doggie is not feeling well. She hasnt eaten anything today(i even tried some chicken) and has barely moved. I tried to lift her up and get her to go outside and pee but she took a few steps and looked like she was even having trouble keeping herself up. Shes just laying there staring a hole through me right now :( If shes not feeling better by tomorrow morning im going to have to take her to an emergency clinic or something.
My other doggie is not feeling well. She hasnt eaten anything today(i even tried some chicken) and has barely moved. I tried to lift her up and get her to go outside and pee but she took a few steps and looked like she was even having trouble keeping herself up. Shes just laying there staring a hole through me right now :( If shes not feeling better by tomorrow morning im going to have to take her to an emergency clinic or something.

I feel like the older I get the harder it becomes to feel any of my animals struggle. Hopefully she’s having an off day or just ate something that didn’t agree with her.

Here’s a low quality photo of my high quality bubba, showing off his Saint Bernard patterning and his pointy husky nose and blue eye.


My wife also drug another kitten in on me last week, someone tossed the poor guy out in the parking lot of the bakery our friend designs cakes at. I really don’t think we can keep him but we’re going to try and get him fat and sassy and find him a good home. Poor little dumpster cat was fuzz and bone.
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Dude get one of those little dremmels. Never look back

These battery powered ones. You can find em at home depot for like $15

Yeah have something similar to that, the problem is not actually cutting his nails, it's getting him to settle down so they can be cut. He's definitely not a fan , i should film it and put it up on youtube . 4 of us and we can't even catch him . He knock over my youngest son like a linebacker, runs through my wifes legs and jumps up and pushes me with his paws, slam into the kitchen table, almost knock the tv over. My daughter don't want nothing to do with him so she just stands there and criticizes the rest us. He used to like going to the vet but after some shots and a bad nail clipping he can't stand it anymore. Tried to take him last wednesday just to get his nails cut and wrestled with him for like a half hour trying to get him out of the car! No luck. I'd be laughing hard if i were watching this happen to someone else :lol:.....:err:
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Cutting nails the old fashioned way can be a painful overall experience for the doggie and the owner. Is yours one of the wired ones? If so it's probably louder. The battery powered one i linked you to has a setting here it makes almost no noise. But yea, you're going to have to get him to lay on his side and calm him down, do one side and then flip him over and do the other side. Yeah i know it's easier said than done :lol:
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"Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you're going to lose a dog, and there's going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can't support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There's such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and the mistakes we make because of those illusions." - Dean Koontz

"Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Agnes Sligh Turnbull
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