Post a picture of your pets!

A family of three had a 10 year old dog that was dying of cancer. The parents of their 6 year old boy asked their veterinarian if he would come to their house to put down the dog to comfort the dog and the family, which the vet did.

After the dog died peacefully, one of the parents mentioned how sad it was that dogs' lives are shorter than peoples' lives. The 6 year old boy piped up and said, "I know why".

"People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody and being nice. Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long"
this is a picture of my pet name Thor and I m loved with it
Meme quality doggo.

I got two rats since I last was more active on here, not sure if I posted them yet. But they're super cool bros. Dark one is Nicodemus, light one is Pussy Bompansiero.

Even as a rat owner, I support eviction. The girls at work are always apologizing to me when they kill spiders and it's the same deal- motherfucker didn't know his place, too bad.
Even as a rat owner, I support eviction. The girls at work are always apologizing to me when they kill spiders and it's the same deal- motherfucker didn't know his place, too bad.

people think im crazy, but i catch and release spiders. Only animals i have no mercy for are mosquitoes and blood sucking flies. I'm probably going to set up a no kill rap trap up there and see how it goes ... but if that doesnt work i might have to pull out the 'ole victor rat trap and snap his neck.