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Tail is in full wag mode! :tickled:

Edit: Milkshake is an awesome name lmfao!
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i picked up small bag of "canidae", but i plan on researching before i go with the right one. Will probably give one of these fancy-shmancy dog foods a shot.

Fed my guy this when he was a pup. Got him pretty muscular

Pretty affordable, like $50 for a 30lb. bag. Lasted about a month give or take.

He's a picky eater, unless he's begging for human food.

He's a fish guy which is alright, high in protein, keeps him in good shape, muscular. Feed him this now
This shits a little more expensive, like $70 for a 30lb. bag
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Fed my guy this when he was a pup. Got him pretty muscular

Pretty affordable, like $50 for a 30lb. bag. Lasted about a month give or take.

He's a picky eater, unless he's begging for human food.

He's a fish guy which is alright, high in protein, keeps him in good shape, muscular. Feed him this now
This shits a little more expensive, like $70 for a 30lb. bag
yeah i was thinking about going with the Wellness Core one. I'll look into both of those!

So shes sleeping right now but for some reason she looks like shes laboring struggling a little when breathing. Not sure if this is normal with these short muzzled dogs or what.
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So shes sleeping right now but for some reason she looks like shes laboring struggling a little when breathing. Not sure if this is normal with these short muzzled dogs or what.

Unless she's clearly struggling, like looks like she's in trouble, it's probably fine. If it's like borderline snoring, well that's normal in the bulldog family.

Give her a little scratch on the stomach and see how she reacts.
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Unless she's clearly struggling, like looks like she's in trouble, it's probably fine. If it's like borderline snoring, well that's normal in the bulldog family.

Give her a little scratch on the stomach and see how she reacts.
it looked more than just snoring, like she was taking deep labored breaths.... or maybe i'm just being to paranoid. I'll ask the vet tomorrow.
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Yea gave her her 2d round of shot(5-in-1). Mentioned the deep snoring/wheezing and they said shes's probably a "deep breather" or something like that. Said her heart and lungs sounded perfect. Everyone there fell in love with her. Some of the staff even took pictures with her lol. She is SOOO friendly. Tail doesn't stop wagging!

here she is at the vet...

Here she is watching the democrats embarrass themselves on TV...
Yea gave her her 2d round of shot(5-in-1). Mentioned the deep snoring/wheezing and they said shes's probably a "deep breather" or something like that. Said her heart and lungs sounded perfect. Everyone there fell in love with her. Some of the staff even took pictures with her lol. She is SOOO friendly. Tail doesn't stop wagging!

here she is at the vet...

Here she is watching the democrats embarrass themselves on TV...


Great news and pics
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Picture of my twins taken on Christmas morning after they tired out playing in an Amazon box vs the expensive fish toy we got them. Bogart on the left, Turkey Creek Jack Johnson on the right.
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man Boxers are such great dogs! And Bowser's one of the best looking ones i've seen! :kickass:

I'll tell you what dude he really impressed me tonight. The little kid doesn't understand, se he gave him a few ear tugs and grabbed him funny a few times, and he never even flinched. Just kept licking his face and followed him wherever he went. Was probably the calmest he's ever been.
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awesome. Yea bully breeds have a high pain tolerance which is a plus when it comes to being around kids, lol. And to add to that some of them(especially the Boxer) are just overall very good with people.

So i was going through the AB videos you linked a few days ago and i couldnt believe how man videos i was seeing them "babysitting". Turns out they're also great people dogs.
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awesome. Yea bully breeds have a high pain tolerance which is a plus when it comes to being around kids, lol. And to add to that some of them(especially the Boxer) are just overall very good with people.

So i was going through the AB videos you linked a few days ago and i couldnt believe how man videos i was seeing them "babysitting". Turns out they're also great people dogs.

I'm telling you, once you go bully you won't go back.

That was a pretty good video, guy goes over a lot. one thing he mentioned, the separation dog definitely has that. Can't stand being alone. Luckily someone's usually home at my household. Bully breeds definitely people friendly, only hear good things about them. They seem to be so-so with other dogs, probably depends on how well they're socialized around other dogs when they're young.

Here's a video of an aggressive american bulldog. Scary mofo!

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haha yeah i saw that video. He referred to that dog as a coward or something lol. I'd love to see him get inside that cage with that "coward" :lol:

And yea, i think this little one has separation anxiety too. She has to be next to me at all times, even when sleeping she has to be touching me. She starts crying like crazy when i step out of the house.
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And yea, i think this little one has separation anxiety too. She has to be next to me at all times, even when sleeping she has to be touching me. She starts crying like crazy when i step out of the house.

It can make it a little hard to do things sometimes, but i think that just goes to show how much they like being around people. ...also kind of gives a sense of loyalty.
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Super lovely new lady pup TB. We're getting our saint in a month or two so you and I can gripe about puppy raising together lol.

On a sad note four of my tarantulas died. Heat died, cold snap... not much emotional attachment with T's, and they were matured out males for at least a year each so death was inevitable. But one of them was like my third tarantula so I've had him awhile, bittersweet. Should have sold them off while I had the chance. Probably could have made a few hundred. They're in the big web in the sky now. Throwing threat postures at the Angel's, swapping stories about what it's like having so many eyeballs.

Except my obt that dude definitely went home to hell, no question, probably harassing the devil himself for daring to breathe. Angry little fuck.
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