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@RadicalThrasher @Krow do any of your dogs have food aggression? My male GSD and Rott both did but i eventually got it under control, my female shepherd would lake you take a steak from her mouth. And this little bitch just bit the shit out of me when i took a barbecued rib from her.

Negative. A small child could take a steak away from him and would just look at him like wtf. From the first day i brought him home i would pet him and stuff while he was eating. Not to the point of annoying him, but wanted him to know i wasn't a threat to his food. Also would hold the other end of bone from time to time. Also when giving him treats i would stress to take it nice, then would maybe reward him with another treat. Maybe she had to compete with other pups from the litter? Should be pretty easy to correct, bully breeds can be known to be food aggressive though.

Pretty good video with bulldogs about correcting it

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Negative. A small child could take a steak away from him and would just look at him like wtf. From the first day i brought him home i would pet him and stuff while he was eating. Not to the point of annoying him, but wanted him to know i wasn't a threat to his food. Also would hold the other end of bone from time to time. Also when giving him treats i would stress to take it nice, then would maybe reward him with another treat. Maybe she had to compete with other pups from the litter? Should be pretty easy to correct, bully breeds can be known to be food aggressive though.

Pretty good video with bulldogs about correcting it

yea i definitely know how to fix it, did it with my two boys. The way i did it is kind of like what you said, i would sit there with them, hold the bone and let them nibble off of it. Then i would let them have it and start petting them. I would also have another treat on hand and give it to them while they're munching on the bone, pet them and walk away. Come back 5 seconds later and do the same thing ... rinse repeat. It was clearly her first time seeing a meaty bone so i dont blame her lol. I think i already have it under control as i gave her her bone back and literally had my hand in her mouth every few seconds and she didnt do anything. I just didnt know if this was normal with bullies since most of my friends that have pits and boxers never experienced food aggression with their dogs. I think bullies overall are more people friendly and have better human skills than the other dogs types of dogs ive owned/raised so i was a little let down that this little furball snapped at me like that, lol.

EDIT: just watched that video and haha yea most of the time it is just all show, even with the few Caucasians i raised ... they would growl and get crazy but never actually bite. But this little one just latched on to me lol
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yea i definitely know how to fix it, did it with my two boys. The way i did it is kind of like what you said, i would sit there with them, hold the bone and let them nibble off of it. Then i would let them have it and start petting them. I would also have another treat on hand and give it to them while they're munching on the bone, pet them and walk away. Come back 5 seconds later and do the same thing ... rinse repeat. It was clearly her first time seeing a meaty bone so i dont blame her lol. I think i already have it under control as i gave her her bone back and literally had my hand in her mouth every few seconds and she didnt do anything. I just didnt know if this was normal with bullies since most of my friends that have pits and boxers never experienced food aggression with their dogs. I think bullies overall are more people friendly and have better human skills than the other dogs types of dogs ive owned/raised so i was a little let down that this little furball snapped at me like that, lol.

EDIT: just watched that video and haha yea most of the time it is just all show, even with the few Caucasians i raised ... they would growl and get crazy but never actually bite. But this little one just latched on to me lol

Haha puppy nips with those needle sharp teeth, add in a little food aggression, and yeah that hurts worse than one would think. Sounds like you got a sound method, I'm sure you and your girl will work it out
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haha yeah she put on a few pounds, but i'm not sure shes going to be that tall. Who knows thought, i might be wrong. One things for sure though, she's by far the most stubborn, bullheaded(lol) puppy i've had.

Gotta hit the pet store tomorrow after work and buy a bunch of shit. Probably gonna get some of that Taste of the Wild puppy food you posted too.
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haha yeah she put on a few pounds, but i'm not sure shes going to be that tall. Who knows thought, i might be wrong. One things for sure though, she's by far the most stubborn, bullheaded(lol) puppy i've had.

Gotta hit the pet store tomorrow after work and buy a bunch of shit. Probably gonna get some of that Taste of the Wild puppy food you posted too.

Dude my dog is a shrimp height wise, 24 inches at the withers. 91 lbs last time he got weighed, not fat, just built like a tank.

Yeah that taste of the wild is solid food. Problem with puppies is they need, or suppose to have, puppy food. That taste of the wild has 2 kinds of puppy food that i know of (maybe more now). Salmon kind or bison/buffalo. My dog likes fish, so went with that. Got pretty built and healthy. Lots of options out there, but good food for a decade price. Maybe buy a smaller bag first, see if she likes it? My guy is a fucking picky eater

also that stubbornness may not seem like it now while your trying to train her......but its part of their charm and personality. Took me a while to except that he kind of had selective hearing,,,,drove me nuts when he was a puppy
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yeah i want to go with salmon instead of the usual chicken. The only thing im worried about is that i keep coming across articles that grain-free dog foods ahve been linked to heart problems, or it might just be bullshit thats being payed for and pumped out by the other big name dog foods that dont do grain free. Im feeding her grain free Canidae right now ...

She has a weird habit of not wanting to eat out of the bowl. So i sit there and hand feed her. She sometimes grabs the food out of the bowl and tosses it on the ground and then eats it. I think the house she came from(a ghetto hood in Azusa) probably just fed her off the ground. But i did mix a boiled egg in with her food today and she gobbled it all with in a quickness.

And dude, that is HUGE for a boxer! And yea he looks very good from what ive seen. Had a few people over yesterday and one of their inlaws has a Boxer. They had pics of him on their phone and he looked like a deer. Tall and skinny, lol. Your boy looks WAYYYY better.
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also that stubbornness may not seem like it now while your trying to train her......but its part of their charm and personality. Took me a while to except that he kind of had selective hearing,,,,drove me nuts when he was a puppy

haha i feel you dude. She sometimes gives zero fucks when i call her. I'm trying to fix that by carrying treats with me at all times. I call her, she comes ... or to be more correct IF she comes, i give her a tiny little peace of bacon. I guess its a bully thing, lol.
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yeah i want to go with salmon instead of the usual chicken. The only thing im worried about is that i keep coming across articles that grain-free dog foods ahve been linked to heart problems, or it might just be bullshit thats being payed for and pumped out by the other big name dog foods that dont do grain free. Im feeding her grain free Canidae right now ...

She has a weird habit of not wanting to eat out of the bowl. So i sit there and hand feed her. She sometimes grabs the food out of the bowl and tosses it on the ground and then eats it. I think the house she came from(a ghetto hood in Azusa) probably just fed her off the ground. But i did mix a boiled egg in with her food today and she gobbled it all with in a quickness.

And dude, that is HUGE for a boxer! And yea he looks very good from what ive seen. Had a few people over yesterday and one of their inlaws has a Boxer. They had pics of him on their phone and he looked like a deer. Tall and skinny, lol. Your boy looks WAYYYY better.

Yeah the FDA put out a report on that. Is it true ? Maybe. The percentage of dogs they tested compared to how many millions of dogs that are in this country was a low number. But i share your concern, did a lot of my own research and talked to vet about it. Decided the benefits outweighed the risks. Also i mix 1/2 a can of canned food in with his dry once a day ( he gets fed twice a day). Partialy because I've heard this helps supplement what was lacking in grain free food, but mostly because he's a picky eater:err:

I don't know about the not eating out of the bowl. Hopefully she'll out grow that. They say bulldog breeds can get bloat easily or have other stomach problems. Probably don't have to worry yet since she's still close to.the ground but maybe when she starts getting bigger you should get elevated bowls. Supposed to help against that. Got something called a neater feeder, its elevated and catches all the bullshit. My dog is a pretty neat eater but when he drinks he used to flood the floor.

:lol: this fucking guy in the video

Dude i got my dog from a breeder i found like 3 1/2 hours in the middle of nowhere indiana. Went there and they had a great, clean, beautiful setup. Tons of space for the dogs to run and play etc. Met the parents who were both good looking and friendly. Had all his papers and lineage going back a long ways. Just like with the american bulldogs i guess there's different types of boxers. There's an american type, a german type and UK type. Bowser supposed to be a german/working type, his parents both looked liked german types. So he's more bulky/muscular and actually should be able to handle daily tasks like a farm dog or something.

American on left, german line on right. He definitely looks more like the german one

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yeah, both good looking dogs but the German one definitely looks better.

And yeah regarding grain free dog food i know people who have had their dogs on grain free since they were pups and they went over 10+ years and had no heart problems. They say it might have to do with all the other stuff like lentils, peas etc that they use in grain free. I honestly think its all bullshit, or there's something else we dont know.

Im familiar with bloat too, its common in GSD's. One of my buddies junkyard dogs was a shepherd and he died from bloat. Its also a good idea not to take them on walks or make them run around right after feeding them. Best to give it 15-20 minutes and let the food settle.

None of my dogs came from breeders or with papers, but they've all been champs. My two shepherds had the best looking litter of puppies i've ever seen. My Rott was a german blockhead and his parents were monsters. And i think i lucked out with this once since what i really wanted was a mix of the Johnson and Scott types and that's what i ended up finding! They had a pretty big yard too, but she;s no doubt from the varrio lol.

And i love how the dog in that video was looking at the owner like "wtf are you doing mannn" :lol:
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@TechnicalBarbarity , was at the pet store yesterday and noticed that taste of the wild now also has grain included food. Didn't see puppy food with grain though.

Nice, i'll keep an eye out for it. Petsmart around here doesn't carry any Call of the Wild. Might have to stop by petco in the next few days. Right now i have her on Nutro, which was what my last two dogs ate for most of their lives and made it all the way to 12/13.

Here are some pics of her lounging in one of her favorite spots, lol...


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Nice, i'll keep an eye out for it. Petsmart around here doesn't carry any Call of the Wild. Might have to stop by petco in the next few days. Right now i have her on Nutro, which was what my last two dogs ate for most of their lives and made it all the way to 12/13.

Here are some pics of her lounging in one of her favorite spots, lol...



Ha she looks right at home!

The place i go to is called pet supplies plus. They are a chain but i don't know if there in california? I also order off chewy alot. If you spend $50 i think it's free shipping. Food alone should get free shipping but if its short i usually throw in a toy or treats or bone or something.

Chewy has pretty much everything and anything. Most of the time same price or better price than in stores
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About Chewy, I can buy good dog food from there and have it delivered to my house cheaper than I can go out and buy it. Really great resource, especially when you buy 60+ pounds of food a month. Ha.
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