Post a random fact about yourself

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fact: i haven't consumed any alcohol in the past 24 hours, and it's safe to say i won't be consuming any in the next 24. today i abstained out of virtue, tomorrow it's going to be out of necessity since i am having my allergy vacceen and it's not suitable to drink with it.
Fact: i am so hooked up on DotA i just can't stop, i have an exam tomorrow and i don't know shit about it, i already screwed up two exams yesterday i really should start to study but i just can't

Fact: My life is chaos
Cuthalion said:
i have an exam tomorrow and i don't know shit about it, i already screwed up two exams yesterday i really should start to study but i just can't
i know the feeling too well.. i know there's not much i can say, but try to keep your head up and give it your best shot. good luck for tomorrow anyway.
Cuthalion said:
Fact: i have an exam tomorrow and i don't know shit about it, i already screwed up two exams yesterday i really should start to study but i just can't

good luck on your exam :wave:

and...that reminds me on a fact about myself:

Fact: From time to time it's so amusing to correct exams and see how few some students have learned :cool:
Yeah same here in Ottawa. We had a wonderful 3 here today. This time of year, the average is something like -17. This january is way too hot for me.
Fact: a few days ago it snowed here. It snowed again 2 years ago, and before that it was a few decades ago.
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