Post a random fact about yourself

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Random fact is far too broad, so i'll stick to a similar 'when i was younger' thing...

So... when i was younger.... my two 'best friends' managed to convince me for a long time that there were ghosts in my house, and they kept seeing them but i never did. And i believed them... And then a while later i found out they were lying, and got into my only ever actual fight.. and even then it was more of just a scuffle.
When I'm eating food, I have to chew it evenly on both sides of my mouth. Two chews on the right side, two chews on the left... etc. Especially important with crisps and things like that, can't have one side being favoured ahead of the other.
You didn't say it had to be a new fact. :bah:

In junior school there was a big (about 6ft/2m high) pipe in the playground that people used to play around, and I got the record for the most times running up the side of it, a game we used to play relentlessly for at least half a year.
Feel free to post the thing about that girl seeing you without your pants on though ;p

When i was a kid, i was running around the yard, barefeet, and i stepped on dog shit. Then my friend and i started laughing our asses off, and i was laughing so much that i couldn't stand up, so i also sat on the same shit i'd stepped on :) clever me.
well you three guys apparently chat with each other 24/7, i'd be surprised if there was any piece of trivia you haven't shared already. so leave room for the rest to be self-centred about petty episodes as well. ;)
When i was a kid..i used to use tennis balls and a pile of milk containers to bowl in my basement (no i was not poor, just creative :p ).

While learing to ride my bike i hit a parked car about 10 feet from where i started.

Eh..lack of sleep is making it hard to remember things of this sort.
When I was a kid (just out of a toddler age) I used to think strangling people was a game. I arranged to meet two girls behind this big cussion and then when they got there I told them to close their eyes... they did (Im so goddman charming :p). Then I wrapped shoe laces around their throats. When I got my ass totally kicked by the teacher I realized its not a game, its manslaughter.

I've never told anyone this... I'm quite ashamed of it :cry:.
Cor! what stories... I wonder if I can surprise you with anything :err:
When I was younger I always wanted to be a street cleaner because they have these cool shiny orange or green (safety?) vests... at least where I live... And now when I'm old I know that this is one of my dreams that will never come true. Besides - i don't care for shiny organge vests any more!!!!
Hearse said:
I have a stagefear (or what ever that is called)

but I'm machocist :D

:D Hearse, is that you in the avatar? You don't look like somebody who would be described as "SHY" :D
When I was little, I LOVED jumping out of cars! Not while they were moving, of course. I always hit my head but I still did it. Wow, how much brain damage did that cause?! Because of that, they called me 'metalhead' :cool:

Ohh and I have an irritating habit of counting the syllables of lyrics or quotes on one hand. I'll drum my fingers on the desk or even when my fist is clenched. I hate it and try to stop whenever I'm aware of it.
I'm a computer geek and like helping out people with their computer problems.
hyena said:
i'm ambidexterous (specialized, not versatile).
Am also relatively flexible in more places then is really healthy. God forbid I actually did anything to IMPROVE my flexibility... I'd prolly end up in some chinese circus.
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