Post a random fact about yourself

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fact I get extremely depressed around sunrise, it is very strange, no matter how happy i was only half an hour before sunrise makes me want to crawl to a dark corner and die.
Cuthalion said:
fact I get extremely depressed around sunrise, it is very strange, no matter how happy i was only half an hour before sunrise makes me want to crawl to a dark corner and die.

Uff, thats one of the signs of depression (I mean, serious depression) starting. Maybe you should ask psychdoc. :) Hope it gets better.
fact: i wrote 499 words on Vietnamese refugees in the Seventies and Eighties, 284 words on the measurement of subjective well-being, and now I have to come up with about 680 words on the episode of exceptional economic growth in Botswana. i would be pretty satisfied of my productivity in the last few hours, but i'm quite terrified by the idea that this is just the start of the overhaul of a whole book and i have to be done by July - considering the fact that writing these things is a weekend job, i foresee a bunch of entertaining sundays...
6: Ah, yes. It is a heart that beats the wrong way, if you know what i mean...

Predrag: Have you ever sat down and really thought about it? There must be a (semi-)logical reason for that kind of depression. I wish i could help, but if i don't know the reason i can't really help. Maybe you could make it a point to always be asleep during sunrise.
UndoControl said:
Predrag: Have you ever sat down and really thought about it? There must be a (semi-)logical reason for that kind of depression. I wish i could help, but if i don't know the reason i can't really help. Maybe you could make it a point to always be asleep during sunrise.

I think that i have a rough idea why is that happening, i mean sunrise for me is like a reality check, no matter how i had spent the night ( and lately i seldom go to sleep before 5 a.m.) when the light breaks through
i come to the realisation that it is all over. I don't see dawn as a new beginning i see it as an ending and that makes me really really depressed.
For example, yesterday i went out with the girlfriend of a friend off mine and we had a great time, we drank and watched all the people with masks (people here put on masks on the first of April) and talked for hours, afterwards we went to my apartment and we drank and talked more, i was laughing like crazy all the time but sometime around 4.30 i just sank. Nothing seemed funny and every problem that i had to solve during the day but i didn't hit me with full force. And i had the same feeling at dawn countless times before and i was just wandering if anyone else feels the same way.

And i don't think i am Undead with all this heartbeat and breathing:)
*puts you in the sunlight and sees that nothing happens* No, definitely not undead. ;)

Sometimes i have that feeling of "ending" when i look at the clock and discover it's past midnight. I feel like the day is over and all that's left is tomorrow, and that's not a very welcome thought. My advice is try to go to sleep earlier.
@cuthalion: oh, well, if you routinely go to sleep at 5am then i assume that sunrise just makes you realize that you're tired. it happens to me every time wake up. :)

@rahve: that's a great suggestion. i've got a phrase that sounds more or less like "most of them had next to no experience in ocean sailing, therefore fell victim to pirates, thirst and fatigue". astounding pirates sounds infinitely better. :lol:

i've finished the botswana cut too. Amounts to 747 words and that's where it will stay. :p
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