Music of the Wastes
Skipping the entire thread, here is my gear.
BC Rich Platinum Series Beast - my baby
BC Rich Rave Warlock - been sold since this pic
BC Rich NJ Series ASM
Ibanez AX7221 7-string
Roland TD-3SW V-Drums (and a halfway-hid Luna, my cat)
So yeah, I'm a big BC Rich fan. I've been enjoying their guitars for years now. The V-Drums are also fun as hell to play, but they're a different beast than acoustic drums, obviously. Recording them is a bit tricky, but I manage to get a pretty good sound out of them.

BC Rich Platinum Series Beast - my baby
BC Rich Rave Warlock - been sold since this pic
BC Rich NJ Series ASM
Ibanez AX7221 7-string

Roland TD-3SW V-Drums (and a halfway-hid Luna, my cat)
So yeah, I'm a big BC Rich fan. I've been enjoying their guitars for years now. The V-Drums are also fun as hell to play, but they're a different beast than acoustic drums, obviously. Recording them is a bit tricky, but I manage to get a pretty good sound out of them.