Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

Skipping the entire thread, here is my gear.


BC Rich Platinum Series Beast - my baby
BC Rich Rave Warlock - been sold since this pic
BC Rich NJ Series ASM
Ibanez AX7221 7-string


Roland TD-3SW V-Drums (and a halfway-hid Luna, my cat)

So yeah, I'm a big BC Rich fan. I've been enjoying their guitars for years now. The V-Drums are also fun as hell to play, but they're a different beast than acoustic drums, obviously. Recording them is a bit tricky, but I manage to get a pretty good sound out of them.
how did that warlock rave series play?

Well, it had a basic, shitty trem on it, but I blocked it. And when I first got it, I had to replace the jack. After I did that, it played pretty good. It had pretty good intonation, from what I remember. I never really had much trouble keeping it in tune, after blocking the trem.

It wasn't anything fancy; it was just a good, solid practice guitar. It had a pretty bright, crisp tone with its single pickup. I always had .011s on it, and kept it tuned in D.

It was a cheap guitar, but I couldn't complain. I kinda wish I didn't sell it now, because it would be my experimental guinea at this point, but oh well.
Well, it had a basic, shitty trem on it, but I blocked it. And when I first got it, I had to replace the jack. After I did that, it played pretty good. It had pretty good intonation, from what I remember. I never really had much trouble keeping it in tune, after blocking the trem.

It wasn't anything fancy; it was just a good, solid practice guitar. It had a pretty bright, crisp tone with its single pickup. I always had .011s on it, and kept it tuned in D.

It was a cheap guitar, but I couldn't complain. I kinda wish I didn't sell it now, because it would be my experimental guinea at this point, but oh well.

ok, i was wonderin because i ordered one on ebay and the neck broke during shipping so i wanted to see if it would be worth it to replace the neck
All of these are lefty except when uh...they're not.

Dean 79 ML with Bill Lawrence L-500-XL and Duncan 59

Agile Custom Reaper with EMG 81 and 85 (which I really want to replace...I can't stand them, but they came with it)

Charvel from 1987 (I think) that I rescued from a pawn's been beaten to death and it's Floyd Rose looks like a redneck's mouth but I'm going to fix it.

BC Rich Zombie Special Edition bass (right handed)
Was converted to left handed, then back to right, and soon back to left.

Dean Edge 1 bass

Ibanez Electric/Acoustic (forgot the model name)that now has a dent in it because the boyfriend decided to run into it. Bah!

Kustom Quad 100DFX 100 Watt Combo
(soon to have a Kustom cabinet)
Behringer 60 Watt piece of shit bass amp
Fender Frontman 15 watt that has survived more crap than I could imagine.

Pedals and junk:
Digitech: Whammy
Sans Amp: GT2 Distortion (Main)
MXR: Phase 90
ISP: Decimator
Boss: Metal Zone MT-2
MXR: 6 Band EQ
Dunlop: Dimebag Crybaby Wah
wow, you have quite a collection

Thanks. When I used to teach guitar I got a discount at the store I taught at so basically I never really needed to cash my paychecks. It was more like "uh..........I want that one....I don't need to eat." at the end of every month. :lol:

How's the Zombie, as far as tone goes? I'm interested in the new 5-string with the Ebony top and 3-band EQ, tbh

I haven't seen the new one, but it sounds pretty nice. I love mine. It has a great punchy and bassy tone that's really clear, and the tone knobs make it so you can get a lot of different tones out of it. The only thing I don't like about it is that it digs really hard into your leg if you sit down and play it.
oh yeeeaaahhh! the drums are here. i shall post pictures as i add to the set. right now its just the shells and snare





check out the removeable tom mount! NO HOLE IN THE BASS DRUM!


Thanks. When I used to teach guitar I got a discount at the store I taught at so basically I never really needed to cash my paychecks. It was more like "uh..........I want that one....I don't need to eat." at the end of every month. :lol:

Was this at Ted's Lefty Emporium or something? All the guitar stores I've been to that offer lessons had a very small selection of left-handed instruments.