its official, someone has a nicer bass than me. it would be better with a walnut body though hehehe
yeah, ive got nice gear. but i bet youve got a sweet preamp in that stammie. the pickups are nicer too. plus the cosmetic things like the pick up covers are a great touch. what did she run you?
hurray for guitar porn!
yeah, stambaugh does great work and a strong rep. ive looked into them for my future customs. though i think im gonna go with thor or benavente. the others like skjold and elrick dont wanna fuss with the fanned frets...
yeah, ive had many discussions with benavente. i was inches away on pulling the trigger on a 10 stringer (5 doubled) SCD. his divinity stuff is awesome. but a little too much for me, style wise.
anyways, my next deployment will probably result in at least a thor. i just need some cash
also, karl (the thor guy) occasionally posts on UM (as son of magni). cool dude
Savannah banjo, Ibanez guitar, Epiphone mandolin.
Sorry for the crappy pics... I've only got my cellphone camera. When Nina gets up here with her camera there will be clips and a vid maybe
First I want to thank Piney Hills Music. Best customer service I've ever received on top of a fantastic deal. If you don't buy your ESPs from him, you are stupid.
Here are the pics!
I'm going to give it a set up and give her a spin through my rack... I'll report back with a first impression review soon enough.