post pictures of your legs!

Tee said:
alright!! sporty legged Bodo and Tee. :loco:


uhhhhhhhh I love you uhhhhhhh, yeah Im done :blush:
sorry i have a severe weakness for nice tone legs, espcially chicks who play soccer or softball or what the hell why am i still talking?
uhhhhhhhh I love you uhhhhhhh, yeah Im done :blush:
sorry i have a severe weakness for nice tone legs, espcially chicks who play soccer or softball or what the hell why am i still talking?
:zombie: :loco:

have this weight lifter

it is relatively small, but next to the cat litter on the left is the bath tub, on the right the toilet and the washing machine... so... the door is in the middle. and I am. :D enough for us, 4 mushrooms. we're short n' small. :p