Do you work out? If so, what is your routine?

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Abs galore! On a more positive note, whenever you feel the need to be a lazy bitch, or want to eat piles of horrible food, reading an issue of that can put you back on track.
I think you're wrong. Some do, but majority stays the same or even lose weight drastically. People over 55 have in average three chronical deseases which usually means different combinations of pills and stuff and they usually get skiny because of interactions of different chemicals in metabolism. It of course depends on their metabolism and lifestyle. Old people are usually devided in two groups: active and passive. Passive are those who decide that afret retirement there is no use of them anyway and don't do much, they usually lay on couch all day long and expect to be taken care of. Those get fat or dye from other reasons pretty soon (few years). Active are the ones who always want something to do, togo for walks or to play cards and are never bored. I'm spending quite a lot of time with old people latey in home for the aged and in the hospital too and I came to the conclussion that much more active old people.
Ok, I'm way of topic now...

I don't have much time to work out. I do have a very dynamic lifestyle lately tough, I run around in from one side of Ljubljana to another dayly trying to get from one clinic to other and to work and to school... I try to go to the hills once a week too.

As a general and observable trend, as people age they lose their natural abilities to stay slim. The testament of millions would demonstrate this.
just like how when an Asian chick is younger, she's better looking. this isnt the case for ALL older Asian women... some are able to stay attractive... but, most times, this is NOT the case.
As a general and observable trend, as people age they lose their natural abilities to stay slim. The testament of millions would demonstrate this.

I do not agree, but I might be not very ojective, because I "hang out" with the wrong kind of old people to have a representative pattern.
I am naturally skinny no matter what so stroking it keeps me in shape.
I do not agree, but I might be not very ojective, because I "hang out" with the wrong kind of old people to have a representative pattern.

Perhaps not natural abilities, then. I'd argue that as people age staying thin is much more difficult. Whether that is a physical trend/inevitability or a myriad of other factors I don't really know.
I don't know... From what I know what I wrote makes a lot sence to me, so I'll stick to it, but you can be right too. As I said I'm mostly around people in health institutions or similar which is undoubtedly deviation from normality (what is normality in this case?) Maybe if I'll have tim I'll try to find an article on this.
In regards to training, your goals will determine what sort of exercises you engage in. Simply stated, I believe every sort of excercise routine should include both cardiovascular training i.e. running, and strength-training. Hi reps of things like push-ups and crunches will nominally enhance strength, but primarily build endurance and mildly improve cardio. Ultimately to build strength you will need to incorporate progressive resistance. Done properly, it enhances the ability of your body to burn fat and increases metabolic efficiency.

Lacking a gym or general weights, I'd say go for something like a set of medicine balls. incorporate things like isometric jumps and throws along with weighted crunches and you will dramatically enhance what you're already doing.
Good luck Will!

Hmm, I am 5'3" and 123 as of right now.
When I work out aside from normal long walks with the dog and what not, I try to use the elliptical machine for about 30 or 40 minutes on an incline with a good deal of resistance. That's the one thing I try to do religiously. Other than that I don't know, that's really it.
How do you do a cock push up ?

Have a picture of a fat chick and then a hot chick and look back and forth laying on your stomach and go flaccid,hard,flaccid,hard!!
I do my exercise routine pretty religiously. I walk to the bathroom, then downstairs, outside with the dog, to the car, out of the car, across the skywalk, to the elevator, up to my desk, sit for 9 hours, walk back to my car, get out of the car, then sit on the couch til bedtime.

5'8" and fat.
I don't ever work out... you know, because I do physical labor.

My weight right now is 125-130lbs at 5' 8"... I'm such a skinny fuck.

The last time I got drunk and decided to battle bench something (my friends are all about that shit when drunk, I do it to appease them), I could do 120lbs with not too much struggle. So I can bench my self, and probably more if I tried :D
^^ just christ! You could swap under doors

I do train, though lately it has been impossible with all my exams. It's usually a 3-4 days routine.

1st day: pectorals/biceps/triceps
2nd day: back/shoulders
3rd day: legs
4th day: whatever needs some more training. If I feel I could have done more on some part of the body, I'll train it.

I end every sessions with abs. Between everyday I try (emphasis on TRY) to do cardio.

Anyway, I'll try to be more regular this summer. I'll be living next to the gym, so it should be easy for me to stay in shape.
I go walking/running or biking 4-5 times a week. I'm a mesomorph so I lose weight and gain muscle very easily. Which means, I'd stay pretty fit if I had a regular exercise program and a correct diet... *lazy*

Lots of good tips in this thread, guys.

Oh, and I'm 6'2", 187.
I don't need to work out; all of my dad's family is unnaturally muscular from birth. He's 60 and can lift me over his head. I guess it helps that I work on a farm, but I'm 5'11'' and weigh 235. (I'm not fat, though. it's mostly muscle)