Post the funniest pic/caption you can think of

No no no, I mean LIVE ACTION roleplaying in the woods. These guys running around playing Army and stuff like in the photo above. Are you a bigger dork for wearing elf ears or wearing a fake military uniform?

Just curious. IMO, I'd say the bigger dorkiness goes to the guys playing Army. D&D at least requires imagination.
well thats a spaz of a different color!

whew, man i dont know which one is worse there, i guess as long as you're playing paintball or something playing army is ok...being a military person yourself probably makes them bigger clowns to you, but that LARP business is.....:confused:
paintball is the only excuse in my mind to be doing that shit... or laser tag. something with an actual objective. if you're gonna play ADND, just do it the old fashioned way. I'm nowhere near opposed to a person who wants to spend an evening rolling dice, using their imagination, and bullshitting the whole time. But when you go out with cardboard swords and armor, that's just sad.