Post the funniest pic/caption you can think of









But it begs the question: are you a dork if you roleplay Kill the Fairy in the woods or does it make you a bigger dork to roleplay being in the military and running around with fake weapons playing Army?

That is, as long as you're not 10 years old doing these things.
eh, i think as long as you realize its all fake, and your level 13452 super wizard in your game doesnt mean jack shit to anyone in the real world, you're not really THAT big of a dork. same with shooting games.

although i picked up shooting clay pigeons pretty fast for example, and i think playing first person shooter video games probably helped with the aiming and reaction etc.
No no no, I mean LIVE ACTION roleplaying in the woods. These guys running around playing Army and stuff like in the photo above. Are you a bigger dork for wearing elf ears or wearing a fake military uniform?

Just curious. IMO, I'd say the bigger dorkiness goes to the guys playing Army. D&D at least requires imagination.