post your badass pics here

Sammeh in a chapel! RAWR!


and a mountain!


and Indian carving thingies!

Larf03 said:
...wait... If all jews look the same... and you're a jew... then you look the same as any jew?

Reuben must be one sexy looking fella then ...


Daaaaamn right. :D

Guerilla said:
Yeah many jewish girls are hot...

Hell yes.

...but jewish guys are usually unibrowed monstrosities hairier than Pancakes.

Sad but true. Thank God I'm not full-blooded, and most of my hair is in the fro.
looks like it should be an ad for pantene shampoo for men :loco: damn thats alot of good hair there....


awww!!! sooo cuuuuuute!!! chrome with elliott

me browsing UM

baby, one of the outdoor cats

miss scarlet, another outdoor kitty
I probably couldn't even read from as far as you surf the Net from. I'd love a setting like that though...wouldn't be stuck in this squeaky chair and keep having a sore back. The advantages with porn would be grand too.
yeah i can only read that far away when i've got my good contacts in. when i just wear my old glasses i have to hunch over closer to the screen. but it is nice, yes.

...haha max, you wish :lol:
Pyrus said:
Well, it would save me money on coats, but the grooming would take a lot of time. I don't want my cat's fleas.
I don't get cat fleas...the fleas I get are like thirty times bigger.

They have tattoos and ride motorcycles!
Wolftribe said:
heh cara, minus the kite, everyone in those pics look like they are posing for a nude shoot
It's true!
some_dude said:
lol that pirate ship kite fucking rocks
It's true!