post your badass pics here

Sad part is I left another word and edited for that, and didn't even notice the lack of "to"

Fucking end of the semester. It fries braincells and causes madness.
Necromunchkin said:
Sad part is I left another word and edited for that, and didn't even notice the lack of "to"

Fucking end of the semester. It fries braincells and causes madness.
i hear ya week is finals for me...i'm just glad the school year will be over soon..
LOL it seems I have infected everyone w/my typos and confussion.....thanks for the welcome and I hear ya! It's the end of the day for me and I am just shattered.....chasing the braincell "power" if you will.
Didn't have to infect me. This is the last of week of the semester, and this was my first year of grad school. What didn't get fried is currently leaking out of my ears. I'll probably be a drooling vegetable for the rest of the week. I resorting to sonic therapy aka heavy metal blasted at max volume.
That's the best type of therapy necro ;) I do the same and it works like a charm every time! Hang in there and best o'luck \m/
:D Finally time to go home!!!!!!!
Symphorce rock my world....they are in my top 5 favs along w/Brainstorm... ok maybe they are #2 after Maiden ofcourse!!

Have a wicked rest of the day! \m/
Dead_Lioness said:
Hey guys, check out my pics from last Saturday's show, Exodus just owned !!!
Right on Wolftribe \m/
Madkill...I see you got lucky @ the Maiden show in NY and caugh some goodies...I got some goodies too here in LA...a Harris wristband and a Smith guitar pick...along with a signed shirt :)
Bands like Symphorce and Brainstorm (as well as Biomechanical and Nevermore) have breathed new life into metal while holding onto the roots. Not to mention they're all just badass bands.
You are so right Necro! And all the bands you mention (except for biomechanical...gonna have to check them out!!) have their own style which is why I enjoy them so tired of bands sounding the same to the point where you cannot distinguished who is know what I mean! Hence I have banished radio and have not listened to it for let's say a year Cd collection is ever growing :D
I have an account with they have all sorts of underground metal stations playing lot's of wicked stuff....including the usual metal classics like Maiden, JP etc that's where I've "discovered" some of the bands I now know and love...also recomendations like what you did right now...gonna go hunt in amazon ;) goodnight
ack!just looked... no samples...if you can throw me an mp3 so I can take a listen that would be wicked....then I can see which album I want to grab really going LOL
haha i use the radio as an alarm clock, and they play the same 4 songs over and over haha. as a result im starting to enjoy that brittney spears - toxic song haha. its so catchy! someone kill me!
Neal>Next time you feel the urge to listen to that Spears individual I'll be ready(

Thanks Hearse