post your badass pics here

Marksveld said:
man, nice maiden pics

:D thanks...I have tons more put I don't want to spam the whole thread w/Maiden photos hehehe

Neal>When has self-promotion NOT been shameles...they are MAIDEN Gods of Metal...they can wear Mickey Mouse and it's still cool :tickled:
i just think its kinda funny becuase they ARE 'Gods of Metal'. everyone at that show knows who they are, they dont need to advertise hehe.
Dead_Lioness said:
Pabla: amazing pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i took so many good pictures from that tour as well!
wasnt it just DIVINE?!
i had such a killer time!
looks like you had fun as well :)

Thanks! :D
Ohhhhh you must post yours! I take it you went to see them in NY?
It was too 'kin wicked ...this tour kicked ass! I saw them both nights in LA ....was at the front rails for kin way I was gonna let go :tickled:
I just loved to see Pachendale was almost a religious experience and am not even religious :tickled:
Pabla said:
Thanks! :D
Ohhhhh you must post yours! I take it you went to see them in NY?

Pabla! yes i saw them in NYC and it was GREAT! we stood very close to the stage, and everytime i wanted a good picture i waved at them with me camera and they smiled so i can take a picture! lol look at Dave over there, he is posing! and thats priceless! it was GREAT!
here are *some* pictures, i have over 50 haha :lol:
it was so GREAT! wasnt it? :Spin:







Dead Lioness>Those pics are fucking brilliant! :oops: I have about 150 pics...also some backstage pics as well...they are all awesome guys, so nice to their fans...they rock mightily in every single level :worship:
**grumbles** you see here in LA depending on venues they won't let you in w/digital all my photos were taken w/a bloody disposable...but still came out quite nice I think.

We should do an Iron Maiden photo thread and post all of our photos :hotjump:

:erk: feels badly for all of those that didn't get to see their amazing show this time around....but never fear..Dave and Steve said they would see us again in early 2005 :D
Iron Maiden's a joke. I'd rather go see the least talented grindcore band on the planet than those dudes making a fool out of themselves. The most entertaining moment of their live shows has definetely got to be whenever osteoporosis kicks in and they break arms or legs from jumping around the stage when they really should be sitting at home with a nurse taking care of them and feeding them soup, the old farts.
Guerrilla said:
Iron Maiden's a joke. I'd rather go see the least talented grindcore band on the planet than those dudes making a fool out of themselves. The most entertaining moment of their live shows has definetely got to be whenever osteoporosis kicks in and they break arms or legs from jumping around the stage when they really should be sitting at home with a nurse taking care of them and feeding them soup, the old farts.
HAHAHA..well i still think they kickass.. :D
they are relatively small, blue-greyish, but in a picture you'd see them as red. :D

save your seductive sahweetnes for li'l girls :loco: