post your badass pics here

Ah, good old I'vebeenhadz...worst sounding basses I've ever picked up at a music shop. I hear the higher end ones are decent.

I had some proto-joke trying to form regarding (michael) jackson and nuts falling off, but I couldn't make it come together satisfactorily. I guess you have to let the funny flow naturally, trying to force it doesn't work.
shitty deal. I was always a bit suspicious after that fender takeover of what the effects of that would be. Obviously its a distribution problem now. I think the prices in general went up as well. Thankfully however, the quality of the guitars have not decreased.
Hi...just recently getting into Nevermore..and loving it! :headbang: Here's me headbanging @ The Rainbow in LA....I guess it's badass :loco:

Pabla said:
Hi...just recently getting into Evermore..and loving it! :headbang: Here's me headbanging @ The Rainbow in LA....I guess it's badass :loco:

wow, Evermore? is that like a cross of Evergrey and Nevermore? that might be a cool band....hmm i may have to steal that name for my band!! :tickled:
oh yea, cool pic btw..
Doh! **feels extremely stupid** LOL gimme a's the last hour of work and am on paper overload... **cough** Nevermore.....just got their latest Cd Monday night

Goes to show you brunettes can have "their moments" as well.