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What do you think?

  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
di ablopeth said:
fuck ups? ha...where? what you may think is a fuck up is me doing it in my own way...I can play the songs note for note but excuse me for adding my own style to them.

lol, they sounded like fucks up at least to me. if thats your own style, thats cool man. they just sounded like fuck ups to me. thats all. okay. awesome.
Some reviews:

"Verzweifelte Melodien, die für eine dunkle, Angstheischende Atmosphäre sorgen zeichnen GORATH aus." DARKNESS (8/10)

"Gorath haben ein wirklich tolles Album geschaffen, dem ich es wünsche, dass es die Art aufgeschlossener Hörer bekommt, die sich die Zeit nehmen, sich mit dem Songmaterial angemessen auseinanderzusetzen. Das hat
"The Fourth Era" nämlich verdient."

"Belgium is more and more turning into Hellgium, and as a black metal fan I certainly feel no regrets about that…" VAMPIRE MAGAZINE

"In certain passages very detailed and calm melodies disclosure, lying softly in the background. Those melodies have something very mysterious." HATEFUL METAL

"On ‘The Fourth Era’ blackmetal is successfully used as a solid base to create a work which sets out to
seek new borders of the genre without drowning in overdone style twists."

Although many of his riffs are pretty straightforward, they contain a lot of tension and emotions. The songs tend to evolve and unfold a story. LORDS OF METAL (85/100)

One of the strong points of this cd is its diversity; instead of being based upon continuously repeated riffs & rhythms it's the abundant variation and swift breaks that define the tracks. GOTHRONIC (8,5/10)

If you would combine Keep of Kalessin, Satyricon, Enslaved, Cadaver Inc, Thorns and Emperor, it would result in The Fourth Era. METALRAGE (95/100)

Classic in-yer-face Black Metal crashes down upon you like an avalanche of giant boulders with seeringly harsh riffs that drip venom from every pore. DARKSOUL VII

Het eigenzinnige element zit vooral in het gebruik van diverse afwijkende, cleane zanglijnen, veel tempowisselingen en andere vervreemdende elementen. Deze zaken geven het geheel een apart sfeertje, Dupont betreedt duidelijk niet de geijkte paden. AARDSCHOK (78/100)

De band is vrij origineel en vernieuwend, iets wat ik toejuich in een genre als black metal.De eigen stijl manifesteert zich het beste in de sfeer die de band neerzet. Drukkend, mysterieus, onheilspellend en bij vlagen agressief. ZWARE METALEN (80/100)

This was made as a joke, which you can probably tell. But here's a Black Metal parody band I made with my friend a while ago. More material is on its way. Sorry for it being on MySpace, definitely not my decision.

Featuring Lørd Glipnÿr Ågarakh on vocals (and bass, but bass doesn't exist in BM), Kount Dokkalfaüzt on guitar, and Lindormanî on drums/photo shoots.

Drums consist of a book (Luciferian Passages), a box of tacks, and a wood block with a skull carved in the side, all resting on a slate. How tr00 is that?

And I'm on vocals, haha. "The Freezing Moon" is a cover, "Wolvic Howlings" is original.

EDIT: Thanks for the move, I overlooked this sticky.
Sorry for bringing an old thread to life... :)

About a year ago (or something) I found a clip of The Moor somewhere. I didn't even listen to it back then so I forgot about it totally.

A few days ago I found it and I thought it would be nice with some vox on it so I recorded some shit during last evening. And today I've been able to track down the song to this thread (I think it's the same)... Well, I thought you might want to hear it so here is it: Forslund/2006-11-09_The_Moor.mp3

Note: The clean parts is a bit out of tune, I started recording the growls first and now I'm to lazy to rerecord the clean parts

I so wanna hear it...but ure link is takes me to some cellphone site in some alnguage i dont to look into that.....!!!......PEAC EOUT
Excellent, excellent cover my friend. Guitar and drums sound great, how may I ask did you record it all? Drum sims or real? What guitar equipment etc.? Thanks. Keep up the good work, would love to hear some more covers :)
Drums doesn't sound very good actually. Pretty good overall.

Posted in the wrong section.

Well as you can probably hear, theese drums are samples used in a drum machine. And i did a kind of "death metal" vibe to the drums with the "trigger sound" on the kick.

Where am i supposed to post this thread?

Thanks for the feedback :)