HOLY #$*%!! I just came and saw this post by me from June 20th... It's pretty darn close to the start of the thread, so I'll just edit it and add my stuff in here now! The original message had a posting of my buried by the dead cover plus the unfinished original intro for Rainwound, now the first minute or so of the first song (Sentient)!
I am somewhat weary of the American metal scene. It seems that just about every band here does one of four things: 1) redecorate the house Metallica built, 2) redecorate the house that Morbid Angel built, 3) furiously stroke their ego by wailing on their guitars really fast, or 4) write simple songs about nonspecific angst. Granted, almost every metal band on the planet does that, but I am sad to see it so dominant in my beloved country. Metal here has lost its creative spirit - indeed, it seems, any spirit at all.
Leave it to a high-schooler in Pennsylvania to reverse this trend.
Brandon Strader, founder/mastermind/sole member of Rainwound, is recording a glorious prog-metal masterpiece called 'Shrouded Destiny'. I say 'recording' because it is as yet incomplete, lacking any vocals and some of the atmosphere he's trying to convey. Nevertheless, the music on this unfinished album has a great capacity for speaking by itself.
Influenced by diverse talents, from progressive/death metal act Opeth to Nobuo Uematsu (who made the music for the Final Fantasy video game series), he related to me the story of his opus:
"I would be living in a town, and I heard a voice in my head that told me to find several items and bring them back to this area where a large hole in the sky had formed... The story is based on the dream and is actually quite different!... In the dream I had gotten a somewhat large group of perhaps 7 people or so to help me find these items, but in the album version there are only 2 people. There were several items as well but in the album story there are only 3 relics... In the dream my team would "fly" into this opening with the items in hand, and then everything would go red and I would wake up with a painful feeling in my head... In the album story, the couple don't even enter the hole at all! It ended up being somewhat of a love story instead of this item-finding death story of the dream..."
At any rate, sending the album's hero off on his task is the aptly-titled 'The Task'. This song says epic in a thousand languages - from the ominous introduction to the brooding passage that follows, to the black metal outburst that follows that, and so on through the song's eight-and-a-half-minutes. This song is so epic, in fact, that it injects epicness into everyday life: It's not chemistry class I'm walking to, it's the unholy lair of Mad McLaughlin! I'm not going to lunch, I'm going to a Feast of the Pheasant for the 21st century! All seriousness aside, 'The Task' is a portent of the greatness that follows.
'Companionship' is the next song, and "...is about the lad finding his partner and heading out on the road." It starts out sounding (depending on your mood) uplifting or depressing, but it seems from the rest of the song it's meant to be the latter. The song gets fairly fast at times although there are slower parts dispersed throughout this eleven-minute behemoth.
The ending of 'Companionship' bleeds fairly well into the next song, the ten-and-a-half minute 'Rainwound', wherein our heroes are "traveling through a beautiful landscape in the rain and finding the first temple and defeating its keeper in battle and receiving the first relic." The song is by itself beautiful, but within this context it's very vivid as well. Towards the middle of the song is a black metal interlude (the sound of conflict) but it resolves itself happily as the two continue on their journey, first relic in hand.
After the battle, the two set up camp to rest up and continue their journey. Staring into the campfire, our hero recalls unsettling memories. This is the idea behind the next song "Oppressing the Past". The song is quite relaxing until you get hit with some more black metal - that's right. They're well-rested and off to get the last two artifacts - and this means another battle! They win again, and they now have two out of the three artifacts.
There's only one artifact left to go...
When we left off our heroes had found two of the three artifacts that they had been charged with finding. They set out to find the final artifact, and they do, but they also happen to find a nasty keeper along with it. The Final Battle tells the story of our heroes fight with this keeper. As to the song itself, imagine a heavy metal version of the fight music from Final Fantasy, and youll get the gist of it. The song ends with the defeat of the artifacts keeper, but sadly, our heros companion gets stabbed in the gut! Still, all apparently ends well: the next song, The Glory, begins with our heroine awaking from eternal slumber, and it is, for lack of a better word, glorious. Epic is also a good word. This song, like the first song The Task, makes life seem larger-than life. It ends on a bittersweet note, though, as we find out that the heroine was pregnant, and that the artifact had cruelly grafted itself to her and her unborn child, keeping them alive.
Our hero is faced with a decision he cannot make, as he has, at this point, fallen in love with her: cut out her unborn child or let the world be destroyed. This is the idea behind the heartbreaking and mellow Loves Sacrifice, and it is basically about his last thoughts before everything is destroyed. Brandon didnt divulge to me the idea behind Task Completed, the final song on the album, although its introduction a bunch of dissonance and bloopy sounds is remarkably effective at removing one from the dreamlike state the rest of the album induces. The song that follows it is fairly relaxing, and is one of the faster and more upbeat songs. It is a fitting conclusion to an excellent album.
As a special bonus for Shrouded Destiny 2005 Brandon included his Christmas song, Christmas. As with the other songs, this song conjures vivid imagery. One can almost see Santa delivering gifts to the good children in some parts, and in others one can see him plowing over the bad children in his sleigh. And thats Shrouded Destiny 2005 - an experimental foray into metal by a high schooler with no experience gone terribly, terribly right. Even though it its still incomplete, it is a great album on its own terms.
"Satanic Dirge was spawned in the late summer of 2005 by Brandon, who has assumed the moniker 'the Dark Lord.' Named for a ficticious Opeth album of his contrivance, Satanic Dirge has shunned Opeth's prog-death leanings for the agression and brutality of black metal. While Satanic Dirge - up until 'Brainworkz' - was initially inspired by the works of such bands as Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Limbonic Art and Anaal Nathrakh, the Dark Lord took a more avantgarde aproach to the project, being further influenced by the likes of Sigh and Arcturus. The initial goal of Satanic Dirge was to write an album in contempt of man and his evils, but writing such an album is exceedingly difficult - for man's evil truly is great - and thus it was decided that this guiding concept would be split into 'chapters.' September of 2005 saw a good deal of progress, but at the end of October the project was put on hiatus. Satanic Dirge was born again hard in February and there has been an explosion of creative output. A full-length album entitled 'Tribulation' is now in the works, and could very well prove to be another milestone in black metal." The first demo was completed on 4/20/06.