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  • Good, I like it.

    Votes: 30 69.8%
  • Nah! Its totally disaster.

    Votes: 13 30.2%

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I don't expect any of you to listen to this. It's me and my friend jamming on acoustic guitars while we were stoned as fuck. It was recorded on my friend's shitty mp3 player. Keep in mind that we were blazed, this is all completely improvised (goes off key a LOT, and rhythms aren't clear). This was all in good fun and I think there are actually a couple cool parts in there for those who can sift through all the bullshit hahaha. Props to anyone who can listen to it all the way through, or to anyone who actually listens to it haha.

edit: also, if you do choose to listen to it, at least listen from around 6:40 on...
What's this emo crap?!

.. I like it really! Quite competent quality actually.. When you're prepared it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and spread the demo around some labels!
Just recorded a full Cover of "April Ethereal" (including Solo). (warning: the guitar sound is awful)

I recorded a single guitar track but some parts include two guitars.

The (awful) guitar sound is from a Zoom effects box straight into my M-audio adaptor into my computer. For some reason my amp doesn't connect to the adaptor. The drums are ripped from a Guitar Pro tab.

This is my first Guitar recording of a complete song. I have been playing guitar for only a couple of years.

I would appreciate any feedback.

Fix the issue with your guitar, then maybe it would sound good. Can't tell though.

EDIT: Nvm, sounds pretty awful even looking past the guitar issue. Needs improvement.

I've fixed the volume issue with the guitar, although it still sounds bad. I am not good with audio mixing etc...

I know the rhythm is somewhat off on some parts. I barely ever practice with a metronome or drums.

edit: Also the guitar I am using is cheap and not very good.

What's with the trendy typing style.

I recorded that cover over a couple of hours without alot of practice and I generally don't play with a rhythm track at all. This is probably my first time recording and playing to an actual drum track. I should be getting some better equipment soon, it is hard to spend time alot of time playing with such a lame setup.