Post your Honest Opinion of the TGE Cover

dead_fetus said:
And am I just crazy or does the face on the stick just to the right of her head look like Warrel?
i don't think it looks so much like Warrel but i was always weirded out by that skull ... it looks more like a face with its jaw torn off ... you can see it still has skin on it, and eyelids and stuff ... maybe it's another variation of the old guy from the The Mirror Black cover :hypno:
I think its fine..but the huge head in the foreground really distracts me. I'm kind of a hypocrite because I love portraits...but it just seems kinda awkward.
It definitely does resemble the Mirror Black album, though.

I think the covers of Dreaming neon black and Dead Heart are my favorites.
Don´t like it.Cliché.Skulls on sticks,cheesy deathmetal-like.IMO!
I like Travis style of work better.By that I don´t mean that he should do every cover for NM...
It´s not as bad as Politics though...

I love the similarity between the TGE-Cover and Sanctuary´s Into the mirror black. Don´t know if it was intended or not.
But I like the Dead Heart and DNB Covers best. I was thinking about getting a tattoo using some stuff from one or another Nevermore-cover but this idea turned out to be quite difficult. I´m working on a collage or something like that, let´s see....
a more appropriate use of impaled skulls:
It's okay. Not really outstanding overall, but it did it's job. The childs face was more striking than anything else in the composition, IMHO.
really gud for the mystical war....WD lip synchs about al the time...
descendencyfw said:
Is there a little girl hidden in the background of tGE cover or something? All I see is the little boy.
DNB & In Memory are my fav's. A bit more haunting.




Little Girl.