I am a big fan of Anathema and as well of Danny´s guitar work and songwriting, I think he is a great musician. That is not to sound slimy, but to make clear my critic is supposed to be constructive

The Nick Drake Tribute seems a bit pointless to me, due to my personal view...I mean it is played nicely but it is too close to the original. I never saw a point of doing an acoustic tribute to a songwriter who mainly did acoustic songs...Where is the own stamp the own character?
You know I would have liked to hear Danny Cavanagh do Danny Cavanagh versions of Nick Drake songs, instead of Danny Cananagh doing Nick Drake versions of Nick Drake songs, if someone sees what I mean...
I see the tribute is more a personal Danny Cavanagh thing that means something to him and for that it is very good. But musically it is not too interesting. Well, it is good music, but the originals are just better and the covers do not have an own character to stand out.
I do not want to say the tribute on it´s own is bad. It is far from being that. As said I just consider it a bit pointless. It is the same with many tributes: Why should industrial rock bands cover NIN, an industrial rock band themselves? Why do gothic metal bands cover Type O Negative? The originals can hardly be improved most times, at least not if you stick to the original style. When a Metal band covers a pop song or maybe an Indie band makes an acoustic version of a harsh rock song from a Metal band, that is what has much more appeal in my eyes.Cause it gives the songs a whole new twist and that is what makes a good cover version: Not replaying a song of another band in their style but doing a new version in your style.
Still I like the tribute but that was just what made it a bit sour ;-).