post your honest reviews of the DVD, recent gigs and nick drake album here

"well ok but what about the fact that there are full band or full string versions of cello song, one of these things first, river man, fly and northern sky"

Yeah, of course I know those tracks, but still Nick Drake songs are mostly based on his guitar in his voice, also most of the mentioned above. And it is a difference playing them only with acoustic guitar, but I personally think it is a minor difference that does not so much make an own version in this case.

"i see your point, but to suggest that i have copied the originals here (that contain drums, bass, jazz piano, string arrangements among other things)
when i have just recorded them solo guitar and vocal isn´t quite right.. "

No, I did not express myself clearly enough, I did not mean it like that. I consider your versions just as a bit too faithful to the originals, but I am still not sure how to express it...Well I heard your versions and knew: "Whoa, he loves Nick Drake." I like Nick Drake, too. So I liked you playing them as well. But I thought your versions and Nick Drake´s were very close too each other, perhaps too close to judge a cover. As said it is a bit about the way you feel for coverversions...For me a cover is good when it is an own version which feels like the style of the artist that plays it. "Better off dead" was a good opposite example for me! A punk song rearranged completely, that was great! For example a really bad example in my opinion is "Personal Jesus" by Manson, which feels exactly like the original with worse vocals and just more distortion for the guitars.

"maybe i should have just recorded them for myself alone, but i felt that a few people would like it, and would be asking to hear it."

I see you take this very personal and the songs mean a lot to you and I honestly want to say I apologize and feel very sorry if I insulted you or made you feel bad about my statement! I still like your tribute and listen to it with a good feeling, it is just not what I expect from cover versions and that is all :-). And as said, as a personal tribute it is a fine thing, no doubt!

"and also my heart and soul went into those performances 100%. different, or similar or not."

I did not want to doubt it.Perhaps cause you love Nick Drake so much, that is because your versions just became a bit similar...Not because of any reason, just cause you feel that was the way to do it. I do not want to judge the way you did the interpretations or say it was bad. I just seem to have another view about cover versions perhaps. I see I expressed it badly in my first post :-(.

"and as for ´whats the point of doing acoustic versions of nick drake songs...´ i wont respond to that.. i mean how else do you play his stuff?"

Hm, I would love to hear a harsh version of "Fly" perhaps, I could very well imagine a Deftones version for example! How about a Depeche Mode kind of version of "Time of no reply" ;-). Well the artist has to feel the style fits himself, but I for example often love to hear a song completely rearranged, perhaps even making a dark song a very happy tune or vice versa. That is often very interesting. Well a lot of bad stuff can also happen, if you listen to all that Techno versions of old songs, but that is not what I mean, he, he.

As said I like your tribute, I personally just regard it more as a very personal thing for yourself, which it is and will remain and that is a good thing. It is a very emotional and faithful tribute to an artist you love you can hear it with every note. And if I regard it for such a kind of tribute, not so much putting those "cover re-arrange" stuff into it, it is a cool thing!

For example I myself could never really do a tribute to an artist I admire too much, cause I would always doubt my version similar or completely rearranged could be as interesting as the original. All cover versions I sang and played were from artists I liked but would not name as my favourite bands...Well, I could never do a serious Porcupine Tree or Anathema cover...

"anyway whatever"

Good ending ;-).

All the best and I apologize for my first post, being not clear enough!

JanusPSY said:
"well ok but what about the fact that there are full band or full string versions of cello song, one of these things first, river man, fly and northern sky"

Yeah, of course I know those tracks, but still Nick Drake songs are mostly based on his guitar in his voice, also most of the mentioned above. And it is a difference playing them only with acoustic guitar, but I personally think it is a minor difference that does not so much make an own version in this case.

"i see your point, but to suggest that i have copied the originals here (that contain drums, bass, jazz piano, string arrangements among other things)
when i have just recorded them solo guitar and vocal isn´t quite right.. "

No, I did not express myself clearly enough, I did not mean it like that. I consider your versions just as a bit too faithful to the originals, but I am still not sure how to express it...Well I heard your versions and knew: "Whoa, he loves Nick Drake." I like Nick Drake, too. So I liked you playing them as well. But I thought your versions and Nick Drake´s were very close too each other, perhaps too close to judge a cover. As said it is a bit about the way you feel for coverversions...For me a cover is good when it is an own version which feels like the style of the artist that plays it. "Better off dead" was a good opposite example for me! A punk song rearranged completely, that was great! For example a really bad example in my opinion is "Personal Jesus" by Manson, which feels exactly like the original with worse vocals and just more distortion for the guitars.

"maybe i should have just recorded them for myself alone, but i felt that a few people would like it, and would be asking to hear it."

I see you take this very personal and the songs mean a lot to you and I honestly want to say I apologize and feel very sorry if I insulted you or made you feel bad about my statement! I still like your tribute and listen to it with a good feeling, it is just not what I expect from cover versions and that is all :-). And as said, as a personal tribute it is a fine thing, no doubt!

"and also my heart and soul went into those performances 100%. different, or similar or not."

I did not want to doubt it.Perhaps cause you love Nick Drake so much, that is because your versions just became a bit similar...Not because of any reason, just cause you feel that was the way to do it. I do not want to judge the way you did the interpretations or say it was bad. I just seem to have another view about cover versions perhaps. I see I expressed it badly in my first post :-(.

"and as for ´whats the point of doing acoustic versions of nick drake songs...´ i wont respond to that.. i mean how else do you play his stuff?"

Hm, I would love to hear a harsh version of "Fly" perhaps, I could very well imagine a Deftones version for example! How about a Depeche Mode kind of version of "Time of no reply" ;-). Well the artist has to feel the style fits himself, but I for example often love to hear a song completely rearranged, perhaps even making a dark song a very happy tune or vice versa. That is often very interesting. Well a lot of bad stuff can also happen, if you listen to all that Techno versions of old songs, but that is not what I mean, he, he.

As said I like your tribute, I personally just regard it more as a very personal thing for yourself, which it is and will remain and that is a good thing. It is a very emotional and faithful tribute to an artist you love you can hear it with every note. And if I regard it for such a kind of tribute, not so much putting those "cover re-arrange" stuff into it, it is a cool thing!

For example I myself could never really do a tribute to an artist I admire too much, cause I would always doubt my version similar or completely rearranged could be as interesting as the original. All cover versions I sang and played were from artists I liked but would not name as my favourite bands...Well, I could never do a serious Porcupine Tree or Anathema cover...

"anyway whatever"

Good ending ;-).

All the best and I apologize for my first post, being not clear enough!


Ultimately, this boils down to a) do you like it or not and b) has it encouraged people to listen to Drake's music who would not necessarily have done so before. For myself: a) yes I love it and b) yes I will start discovering Drake's music. All other comments regarding this are, I feel, largely pointless.

Thank you Danny for introducing me to Nick Drake, and for the rare opportunity to own another piece of your music.


hey janus no offence taken dude! constructive criticism is all it was. i do think you have a point, they ar close to the originals sometimes, i guess i intended it that way. anyway theres only 1000 so hopefully it will be a collectors item and that. cheers.
i saw the DVD in me mates the other day and i thought it was well good. shame about distribution problems but what can i say about that? shame about the booklet too but again, nothing i can do..
JanusPSY said:

I do not want to say the tribute on it´s own is bad. It is far from being that. As said I just consider it a bit pointless. It is the same with many tributes: Why should industrial rock bands cover NIN, an industrial rock band themselves? Why do gothic metal bands cover Type O Negative? The originals can hardly be improved most times, at least not if you stick to the original style. When a Metal band covers a pop song or maybe an Indie band makes an acoustic version of a harsh rock song from a Metal band, that is what has much more appeal in my eyes.Cause it gives the songs a whole new twist and that is what makes a good cover version: Not replaying a song of another band in their style but doing a new version in your style.

Still I like the tribute but that was just what made it a bit sour ;-).


Did you see what happened to "Comfortably Numb" when it was covered by a pop band in order to become a dance hit? :Puke:
I haven't received the Nick Drake Tribute yet, so I can't express my opinion about it. I'm sure it will be fine. I think I can trust Danny. It's gonna be a good entrance to Nick Drake's world for me.
darkladykleio said:
Did you see what happened to "Comfortably Numb" when it was covered by a pop band in order to become a dance hit? :Puke:
I haven't received the Nick Drake Tribute yet, so I can't express my opinion about it. I'm sure it will be fine. I think I can trust Danny. It's gonna be a good entrance to Nick Drake's world for me.

comfortably numb by the scissor sisters, if you can get past any prejudice about not covering sacred Pink Floyd songs ( :grin: ), is a very good cover version.

And now, let's wait for the backlash...
Ah I love Pink Moon, Five Leaves Left is alright. I haven't ordered Danny's tribute yet, but if it's really that close to the original versions, the temptation to change something about it isn't very great either.
Bambi said:
what stopping yis from buying nick drake cds in the forst place?? They arnet expensive or anyhting
don't know about whether they are or not, but I can't afford buying cds I don't know yet :( I wish I could, and also most of you say he was a genius (plus I also liked the song Danny played here) and all that, but I would like to listen to them first, than buy them. not to mention there are a couple of cds I am longing to buy since awhile, and I would collect those first.
also I have some cds I bought and than I realised I just don't like them that much, or I like just those songs I heard, no others; and that doesn't help me with getting the brave for buying something unknown either...